arw (Dec 2015): here is an example of a fontmap when exporting the canvas content to a postscript ====== package require Tk canvas .c pack .c -fill both -expand TRUE set txt "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..." .c create text 50 40 -text $txt -anchor w -font "*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-12-*" .c create text 50 80 -text $txt -anchor w -font "*-Times-Bold-R-Normal-*-14-*" .c create text 50 120 -text $txt -anchor w -font "*-Courier-Normal-R-Normal-*-16-*" set fm(*-Helvetica-Medium-R-Normal-*-12-*) [list Helvetica 12] set fm(*-Times-Bold-R-Normal-*-14-*) [list Times 12] set fm(*-Courier-Normal-R-Normal-*-16-*) [list Courier 12] .c postscript -file -fontmap fm ====== However, I don't know how to get the|% X-font names%|% for an arbitrary font created with `font create`, for example, ====== package require Tk set tt [toplevel .1] pack [canvas .1.c] -fill both -expand TRUE set dv [font create -family {DejaVu Sans}] .1.c create text 100 50 -text "Hello World" -font $dv ====== <>Postscript