[iu2] - started on Jan 7 2007 ---- '''1. Enjoying coding: Pressing letter keys, not arrow keys''' There is often a need to introduce a new variable inside a [foreach] loop. For example, given: foreach x $list { puts $x } in order to count the list's items during the loop I may do: set c -1 foreach x $list { incr c puts "$c. $x" } While not so bad I still prefer not introducing new variables because * Having to go backwards to set new variables doesn't feel very pleasant. Coding feels good when it flows forward, especially inside loops. By coding I mean typing the code. * If there is a need for more than one variable, it begins to feel messy. * It makes me feel like coding in C... from tcl I would expect something else. I think this is what mapping lists, filtering lists, lists comprehension and lambdas are all about: Make code typing flow forward. They also make the code clearer, because understanding syntax is easier than exploring algorithms. This is a valid syntax (in python) res = [2*x for x in lis] but this is an algorithm: res = [] for x in lis: res += [2*x] and it remains an algorithm even if it is written like this set res {}; foreach x $lis {lappend res $x} This is better proc mult2 x {expr $x*2} set res [struct::list map $res mult2] but not as good as this one set res [struct::list map $res {apply {x {expr $x*2}}} [LV] Better in what sense? I look at this last item and have no idea what its purpose is, while if I look at the first tcl foreach example I have a clear idea of what it is doing... except that it isn't doing what the rest of the items is doing (there's nothing about multiplying anything by 2 in the foreach example...). [iu2] I like this form. I think it is better because in one glimpse one can tell that a list is being formed out of another. In order to understand exactly how it is formed - the 'apply' part is right there, telling exactly what is done. This what makes the code easier to understand. In the previous example one has to look for the 'mult2', while in an equivalent 'foreach' example it is not until the last line, the '''lappend'' one, that the meaning of the loop is understood - building a list out of another list. I guess this is why there are so many pages here about looping, lambdas, etc.. Well, this is another one.. ;-) '''2. Introducing a counter inside a foreach''' We start straight from eliminating ''set c -1'' set list {a b c d e f g} foreach x $list c [struct::list iota [llength $list]] { puts "$c. $x" } With a little help from proc counters list { for {set c 0} {$c < [llength $list]} {incr c} { lappend res $c } return $res } we can go foreach x $list c [counters $list] { puts "$c. $x" } This is the Python way proc enumerate list { set c 0 foreach x $list { lappend res $c $x incr c } return $res } foreach {c x} [enumerate $list] { puts "$c. $x" } but I prefer the previous one, which is more foreach-y. '''3. First iteration commands''' This code foreach x $list first 1 { if {$first == 1} {set c 0} else {incr c} puts "$c. $x" } introduces the variable ''first'', which is set to 1 in the first iteration and then becomes ''""'' for all the rest. Since ''first'' is in ''foreach'''s arguments list, it doesn't realy seem like going back and setting a new variable. This code sums up a list set numbers {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10} foreach x $numbers first 1 { if {$first == 1} {set sum $x} else {incr sum $x} } puts $sum Result 55 and this one finds the maximum set numbers2 {-2 -4 -1 -3 0 10 3} foreach x $numbers2 first 1 { if {$first == 1 || $x > $max} {set max $x} } puts $max Result 10 '''4. Little functions giving a Common Lisp flavour''' Instead of ''first'', let's call that variable ''enablecl'', standing for ''Enable Common Lisp''. proc incrementing {var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var 0] else [list incr $var]] } # test foreach x $list enablecl 1 { incrementing c1 puts "$c1. $x" } Let's add more functions like that proc summing {exp into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var $exp] else [list incr $var $exp]] } proc counting {cond into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var 0]] uplevel 1 [list if $cond [list incr $var]] } and give them a try set numbers {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11} # test foreach x $numbers enablecl 1 { summing $x into sum1 summing [expr 2*$x] into sum2 counting 1 into count counting {int($x)/2*2 == $x} into even counting "int($x)/2*2 != $x" into odd } puts "$sum1, $sum2, $count steps, $even evens, $odd odds" Result: 66, 132, 11 steps, 5 evens, 6 odds Nice. Maximum and minimum took me a while to figure out... proc maximizing {exp into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var $exp]] uplevel [list if [concat $exp > $$var] [list set $var $exp]] } proc minimizing {exp into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var $exp]] uplevel [list if [concat $exp < $$var] [list set $var $exp]] } set numbers2 {-2 -4 -1 -3 0 10 3} # test foreach x $numbers2 enablecl 1 { maximizing $x into max minimizing $x into min puts $x,$max,$min } puts $max,$min We advance towards list comprehension by introducing ''appending'' proc appending {exp into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var [list $exp]] else [list lappend $var $exp]] } # test foreach x $numbers enablecl 1 { appending $x into nums appending "Number $x" into strings if {$x > 5} {appending [expr 2*$x] into twice} ;# a list comprehension... if {[set res [expr $x+1]] > 5} {appending $res into plus1} ;# and an improvement } puts [join $nums ,] puts [join $strings \n] puts [join $twice ", "] puts [join $plus1 ", "] Adding a bit more syntax to ''appending'' makes it more interesting proc appending {exp into var {if if} {cond 1}} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var {}]] set res [uplevel 1 [list subst $exp]] uplevel 1 [regsub -all -- {%\yr\y} [list if $cond [list lappend $var $res]] $res] } # test foreach x {1 2 3 4} y {5 6 7 8} enablecl 1 { appending [expr $x+$y] into sums2 if {%r > 8} } puts [join $sums2] More stuff proc toggling {into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var 0]] uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl != 1} [list set $var [uplevel 1 [list expr 1-$$var]]]] } # test foreach x {1 2 3 4} enablecl 1 { toggling into togl puts "$x - $togl" } This is a general form of updating a variable each iteration proc updating {init exp into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var $init]] uplevel 1 [list set $var [uplevel 1 $exp]] } # test foreach x {1 2 3 4 5} enablecl 1 { updating 0 {expr $count+1} into count updating 0 {expr $sum2+$x} into sum2 updating 1 {expr $mult*$x} into mult updating {} {lappend mult2 [expr 2*$x]} into mult2 } # print result foreach x {count sum2 mult mult2} {puts "$x: [set $x]"} Result: count: 5 sum2: 15 mult: 120 mult2: 2 4 6 8 10 # another test foreach x {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} enablecl 1 { updating -1 {expr ($cyc+1)%3} into cyc puts "x: $x, cyc: $cyc" } The last test leads to another idea proc cycling {exp into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var -1]] uplevel 1 [list set $var [uplevel 1 [list expr ($$var+1)%$exp]]] } # test foreach x {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} enablecl 1 { cycling 3 into cyc puts "x: $x, cyc: $cyc" } I often write lists as rows, each row having ''col_count'' items, so foreach number $list enablecl 1 { puts -nonewline "$number " cycling $col_count into cyc if {$cyc == $col_count-1} {puts ""} } because of that last example, I just can't resist extending ''cycling'' a little bit... proc cycling {exp into var args} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var -1]] uplevel 1 [list set $var [uplevel 1 [list expr ($$var+1)%$exp]]] set condcount 0 foreach {on list what} $args { # if {[uplevel 1 [list set $var]] in $list} tcl 8.5 if {[lsearch $list [uplevel 1 [list set $var]]] > -1} {uplevel 1 $what; incr condcount} else { if {$on eq "else" && $condcount == 0} {uplevel 1 $list} } } } # test foreach x {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} enablecl 1 { puts -nonewline "$x " cycling 3 into cyc on 2 {puts ""} } # or even this foreach x {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} enablecl 1 { puts -nonewline "$x" cycling 3 into cyc on 2 {puts ""} else {puts -nonewline " "} } # another test foreach x {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} enablecl 1 { cycling 4 into cyc on 0 {puts "start: cyc=$cyc"} on 3 {puts "last: cyc=$cyc"} on {1 2} {puts "middle: cyc=$cyc"} puts $cyc } '''5. Helper functions with a helper variable''' The following example uses another variable besides ''var'' proc cyclelist {hlpvar list into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $hlpvar -1]] set len [llength $list] set index [uplevel 1 [list set $hlpvar]] set index [expr ($index+1)%$len] uplevel 1 [list set $hlpvar $index] uplevel 1 [list set $var [lindex $list $index]] } # test foreach x {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14} enablecl 1 { cyclelist cyc1 {one two three four} into cyc2 puts "$x $cyc2 ($cyc1)" } '''6. Summary''' * With these little helpers foreach-ing can be more readable, more fun and more '''press letter keys, not arrow keys ;-)''' * I'm sure more functions of this type can be introduced * There still may be bugs in them, so bug fixes are welcome * I'm not sure the ''uplevel 1 [list if...'' way I use is the best. Shorter or more readable formats will be appreciated. ---- [LES] on same day: set res [struct::list map $res {apply {x {expr $x*2}}} You call that "readable"? ---- [iu2] well, yes, beacuse I '''recognize''' a structure: map-list-apply. ---- [RS] Due to the path structure, the first part is a bit cluttered. If you seriously use [map], it might help to interp alias {} map {} struct::list map and then code (remember to [brace your expr-essions] :^) set res [map $res {apply {x {expr {$x*2}}}}] [NEM]: And adding a constructor for [lambda]s helps a lot: proc func {params body} { list ::apply [list $params [list expr $body] ::] } map $res [func x {$x*2}] Unfortunately, the tcllib versions of [map], [filter] and [fold] take arguments in an inconvenient order for interp alias, so e.g. we have to do: proc ldouble xs { map $xs [func x {$x*2}] } rather than simply: def ldouble = map [func x {$x*2}] ---- [Category Discussion] [Category Command]