[iu2] - started on Jan 7 2007 ---- '''1. Enjoying coding: Pressing letter keys, not arrow keys''' There is often a need to introduce a new variable inside a [foreach] loop. For example, given: ====== foreach x $list { puts $x } ====== in order to count the list's items during the loop I may do: ====== set c -1 foreach x $list { incr c puts "$c. $x" } ====== While not so bad I still prefer not introducing new variables because * Having to go backwards to set new variables doesn't feel very pleasant. Coding feels good when it flows forward, especially inside loops. By coding I mean typing the code. * If there is a need for more than one variable, it begins to feel messy. * It makes me feel like coding in C... from tcl I would expect something else. I think this is what mapping lists, filtering lists, lists comprehension and lambdas are all about: Make code typing flow forward. They also make the code clearer, because understanding syntax is easier than exploring algorithms. This is a valid syntax (in python) ======none res = [2*x for x in lis] ====== but this is an algorithm: ======none res = [] for x in lis: res += [2*x] ====== and it remains an algorithm even if it is written like this ====== set res {}; foreach x $lis {lappend res $x} ====== This is better ====== proc mult2 x {expr $x*2} set res [struct::list map $res mult2] ====== but not as good as this one ====== set res [struct::list map $res {apply {x {expr $x*2}}} ====== [LV] Better in what sense? I look at this last item and have no idea what its purpose is, while if I look at the first tcl foreach example I have a clear idea of what it is doing... except that it isn't doing what the rest of the items is doing (there's nothing about multiplying anything by 2 in the foreach example...). [iu2] Oops,I should have written the first example like this ====== set res2 {}; foreach x $res {lappend res2 [expr {2*$x}]} ====== This form has three disadvantages: * One has to read until the end of the line to get the idea of what this line is doing * The list variable itself '''res''' cannot be reused, so '''res2''' must be introduced * I feel that stacking up two commands in one line is a less favorable coding pattern... while the last pattern has these three advantages: * On can tell what's happening in one glimpse at the '''beginning''' of the line - a list is formed out of another list. In order to understand exactly how it is formed - the 'apply' part is right there at the end. * The list variable itself can be reused, as shown in the example. * One command in the line I guess this is why there are so many pages here about looping, lambdas, etc.. Well, this is another one.. ;-) [Stu] Jan 8 2007 - A proc facilitating the use and cleanup of 'temp' vars, counters, etc. ====== proc with {vars body} { foreach v $vars { lassign $v name default uplevel 1 [list set $name $default] } uplevel 1 $body foreach v $vars { lassign $v name default uplevel 1 [list unset -nocomplain $name] } } ====== Your example above, using ''with'': ====== with {{c -1} x} { foreach x $list { incr c puts "$c. $x" } } ====== '''2. Introducing a counter inside a foreach''' We start straight from eliminating ''set c -1'' ====== set list {a b c d e f g} foreach x $list c [struct::list iota [llength $list]] { puts "$c. $x" } ====== With a little help from ====== proc counters list { for {set c 0} {$c < [llength $list]} {incr c} { lappend res $c } return $res } ====== we can go ====== foreach x $list c [counters $list] { puts "$c. $x" } ====== This is the Python way ====== proc enumerate list { set c 0 foreach x $list { lappend res $c $x incr c } return $res } foreach {c x} [enumerate $list] { puts "$c. $x" } ====== but I prefer the previous one, which is more foreach-y. '''3. First iteration commands''' This code ====== foreach x $list first 1 { if {$first == 1} {set c 0} else {incr c} puts "$c. $x" } ====== introduces the variable ''first'', which is set to 1 in the first iteration and then becomes ''""'' for all the rest. Since ''first'' is in ''foreach'''s arguments list, it doesn't realy seem like going back and setting a new variable. This code sums up a list ====== set numbers {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10} foreach x $numbers first 1 { if {$first == 1} {set sum $x} else {incr sum $x} } puts $sum ====== Result: ======none 55 ====== and this one finds the maximum ====== set numbers2 {-2 -4 -1 -3 0 10 3} foreach x $numbers2 first 1 { if {$first == 1 || $x > $max} {set max $x} } puts $max ====== Result: ======none 10 ====== '''4. Little functions giving a Common Lisp flavour''' Instead of ''first'', let's call that variable ''enablecl'', standing for ''Enable Common Lisp''. ====== proc incrementing {var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var 0] else [list incr $var]] } # test foreach x $list enablecl 1 { incrementing c1 puts "$c1. $x" } ====== Let's add more functions like that ====== proc summing {exp into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var $exp] else [list incr $var $exp]] } proc counting {cond into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var 0]] uplevel 1 [list if $cond [list incr $var]] } ====== and give them a try ====== set numbers {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11} # test foreach x $numbers enablecl 1 { summing $x into sum1 summing [expr 2*$x] into sum2 counting 1 into count counting {int($x)/2*2 == $x} into even counting "int($x)/2*2 != $x" into odd } puts "$sum1, $sum2, $count steps, $even evens, $odd odds" ====== Result: ======none 66, 132, 11 steps, 5 evens, 6 odds ====== Nice. Maximum and minimum took me a while to figure out... ====== proc maximizing {exp into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var $exp]] uplevel [list if [concat $exp > $$var] [list set $var $exp]] } proc minimizing {exp into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var $exp]] uplevel [list if [concat $exp < $$var] [list set $var $exp]] } set numbers2 {-2 -4 -1 -3 0 10 3} # test foreach x $numbers2 enablecl 1 { maximizing $x into max minimizing $x into min puts $x,$max,$min } puts $max,$min ====== We advance towards list comprehension by introducing ''appending'' ====== proc appending {exp into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var [list $exp]] else [list lappend $var $exp]] } # test foreach x $numbers enablecl 1 { appending $x into nums appending "Number $x" into strings if {$x > 5} {appending [expr 2*$x] into twice} ;# a list comprehension... if {[set res [expr $x+1]] > 5} {appending $res into plus1} ;# and an improvement } puts [join $nums ,] puts [join $strings \n] puts [join $twice ", "] puts [join $plus1 ", "] ====== Adding a bit more syntax to ''appending'' makes it more interesting ====== proc appending {exp into var {if if} {cond 1}} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var {}]] set res [uplevel 1 [list subst $exp]] uplevel 1 [regsub -all -- {%\yr\y} [list if $cond [list lappend $var $res]] $res] } # test foreach x {1 2 3 4} y {5 6 7 8} enablecl 1 { appending [expr $x+$y] into sums2 if {%r > 8} } puts [join $sums2] ====== More stuff ====== proc toggling {into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var 0]] uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl != 1} [list set $var [uplevel 1 [list expr 1-$$var]]]] } # test foreach x {1 2 3 4} enablecl 1 { toggling into togl puts "$x - $togl" } ====== This is a general form of updating a variable each iteration ====== proc updating {init exp into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var $init]] uplevel 1 [list set $var [uplevel 1 $exp]] } # test foreach x {1 2 3 4 5} enablecl 1 { updating 0 {expr $count+1} into count updating 0 {expr $sum2+$x} into sum2 updating 1 {expr $mult*$x} into mult updating {} {lappend mult2 [expr 2*$x]} into mult2 } # print result foreach x {count sum2 mult mult2} {puts "$x: [set $x]"} ====== Result: ======none count: 5 sum2: 15 mult: 120 mult2: 2 4 6 8 10 ====== ====== # another test foreach x {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} enablecl 1 { updating -1 {expr ($cyc+1)%3} into cyc puts "x: $x, cyc: $cyc" } ====== The last test leads to another idea ====== proc cycling {exp into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var -1]] uplevel 1 [list set $var [uplevel 1 [list expr ($$var+1)%$exp]]] } # test foreach x {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} enablecl 1 { cycling 3 into cyc puts "x: $x, cyc: $cyc" } ====== I often write lists as rows, each row having ''col_count'' items, so ====== foreach number $list enablecl 1 { puts -nonewline "$number " cycling $col_count into cyc if {$cyc == $col_count-1} {puts ""} } ====== because of that last example, I just can't resist extending ''cycling'' a little bit... ====== proc cycling {exp into var args} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $var -1]] uplevel 1 [list set $var [uplevel 1 [list expr ($$var+1)%$exp]]] set condcount 0 foreach {on list what} $args { # if {[uplevel 1 [list set $var]] in $list} tcl 8.5 if {[lsearch $list [uplevel 1 [list set $var]]] > -1} {uplevel 1 $what; incr condcount} else { if {$on eq "else" && $condcount == 0} {uplevel 1 $list} } } } # test foreach x {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} enablecl 1 { puts -nonewline "$x " cycling 3 into cyc on 2 {puts ""} } # or even this foreach x {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} enablecl 1 { puts -nonewline "$x" cycling 3 into cyc on 2 {puts ""} else {puts -nonewline " "} } # another test foreach x {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12} enablecl 1 { cycling 4 into cyc on 0 {puts "start: cyc=$cyc"} on 3 {puts "last: cyc=$cyc"} on {1 2} {puts "middle: cyc=$cyc"} puts $cyc } ====== '''5. Helper functions with a helper variable''' The following example uses another variable besides ''var'' ====== proc cyclelist {hlpvar list into var} { uplevel 1 [list if {$enablecl == 1} [list set $hlpvar -1]] set len [llength $list] set index [uplevel 1 [list set $hlpvar]] set index [expr ($index+1)%$len] uplevel 1 [list set $hlpvar $index] uplevel 1 [list set $var [lindex $list $index]] } # test foreach x {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14} enablecl 1 { cyclelist cyc1 {one two three four} into cyc2 puts "$x $cyc2 ($cyc1)" } ====== '''6. Summary''' * With these little helpers foreach-ing can be more readable, more fun and more '''press letter keys, not arrow keys ;-)''' * I'm sure more functions of this type can be introduced * There still may be bugs in them, so bug fixes are welcome * I'm not sure the ''uplevel 1 [list if...'' way I use is the best. Shorter or more readable formats will be appreciated. ---- [LES] on same day: ====== set res [struct::list map $res {apply {x {expr $x*2}}} ====== You call that "readable"? ---- [iu2] well, yes, beacuse I '''recognize''' a structure: map-list-apply. ---- [RS] Due to the path structure, the first part is a bit cluttered. If you seriously use [map], it might help to ====== interp alias {} map {} struct::list map ====== and then code (remember to [brace your expr-essions] :^) ====== set res [map $res {apply {x {expr {$x*2}}}}] ====== [NEM]: And adding a constructor for [lambda]s helps a lot: ====== proc func {params body} { list ::apply [list $params [list expr $body] ::] } map $res [func x {$x*2}] ====== Unfortunately, the tcllib versions of [map], [filter] and [fold] take arguments in an inconvenient order for interp alias, so e.g. we have to do: ====== proc ldouble xs { map $xs [func x {$x*2}] } ====== rather than simply: ====== def ldouble = map [func x {$x*2}] ====== [aspect] -- frankly, I find the use of [list map] and [apply] awkward in the above example. Using [lmap] it simplifies (without the need for [lambda]) to: ====== set res [lmap i $res {expr {$i*2}}] ====== .. or, using the version (which I prefer for succinctness, even if it is a little less flexible) from [list map and list grep] you get: ====== set res [lmap $res {expr {$_*2}}] ====== [NEM] I'm not sure which uses you find awkward? The ''func'' constructor I provide is a simple single-line proc, and the resultant [map] is just as tiny as [lmap]: ====== proc map {f xs} { set ys [list] foreach x $xs { lappend ys [{*}$f $x] } return $ys } map [func i {$i*2}] $res ====== It can also be used directly with existing commands. For instance, if we want to convert all words in a list to upper-case, we can simply do: ====== map {string toupper} {this is a list of words} ====== This is just one of the benefits of properly factoring out the construction of a callback from the control construct that uses it. Others are that we can use multiple different constructors in different situations: e.g. a plain lambda, a version that uses [expr], a version that captures a [closure], etc. Not to mention the benefits of byte-compilation that come from having the lambda as a single argument. ---- [FM] : sometimes I like to use this proc ====== proc except cond { uplevel [list if $cond {return -code continue}] } set L [list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] foreach e $L { except {$e%2==1 || $e==0} lappend Res $e } set Res ; # 2 4 6 8 ====== <> Discussion | Command