fileutil::magic::cfront []: Generator core for compiler of magic(5) files fileutil::magic::cgen []: Generator core for compiler of magic(5) files fileutil::magic::filetype []: Procedures implementing file-type recognition fileutil::magic::mimetype []: Procedures implementing mime-type recognition fileutil::magic::rt []: Runtime core for file type recognition engines written in pure Tcl [[replace this comment with more details on this [tcllib] module]] The module and its packages are a [Tcllib]'ification of [CMcC]'s [mime type recognition in pure tcl]. ---- [makr] (2009-11-19) notes that the manual page is currently available at: Have a look at [tmag] for an [extension] that is using ''libmagic'' directly. -----|%Nicko: A simple command line tool and portable library to identify popular file types. Compiles as a command-line program or loadable Tcl module. <> Package | Tcllib