Version 0 of github::github

Updated 2020-03-19 09:22:22 by DDG


DDG 2020-03-19: WIP: I had to play around a little bit by compiling the webview go library from zserge. I found it quite nice to directly download packages from github to your package directory. This used git in the background, so the go approach needed a working installation of git which again needed installs of Python, Perl, Tcl, ... around 6000 individual files and 650MB hard disk space. Can we do some small scale thing for Tcl here wjhich works in a similar way. We need a Tcl interpreter the package tls for the https protocol and the json library of Tcllib to parse the json output of the github api.

Here is some preliminary code which allows to download individual folders from a github repo:

#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
# file github/github.tcl

package require tls
package require http
::http::register https 443 ::tls::socket

namespace eval ::github {
    variable libdir [file normalize [file join [file dirname [info script]] ..]]
    if {[lsearch $::auto_path $libdir] == -1} {
        lappend auto_path $libdir

# I already placed the json folder below of the github folder
package require json

proc ::github::github {cmd owner repo folder package} {
    variable libdir
    set url$owner/$repo/contents/$folder/$package
    set data [http::data [http::geturl $url]]
    #puts $data
    set d [json::json2dict $data]
    set l [llength $d]
    set files [list]
    for {set i 0} {$i < $l} {incr i 1} {
        set file [dict get [dict create {*}[lindex $d $i]] download_url]
        lappend files $file
    #puts [lindex $d 1]
    set folder [file join [lindex $::auto_path end] $package]
    if {$cmd eq "import" && [file exists $folder]} {
    } elseif {$cmd eq "update" && [file exists $folder]} {
        file delete $folder
    file mkdir $folder
    # TODO subfolders
    foreach file $files {
        puts "fetching $file"
        set fname [file tail $file]
        set f [open $fname w]
        fconfigure $f -translation binary
        set tok [http::geturl $file -channel $f]
        set Stat [::http::status $tok]
        flush $f
        close $f
        http::cleanup $tok

If we have this we can do the following:

github::github import tcltk tcllib modules snit
puts [package require snit]



Please discuss here, I am open for suggestions: