[http://zing.ncsl.nist.gov/gluttk/%|%GLUT/Tk], by Joseph C. Kończal, is a portable system for using GLUT to control 3d graphics from within Tk. ** Documentation ** [https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GOVPUB-C13-b259ffb9ab97065b0d8d64700a34ffdb/pdf/GOVPUB-C13-b259ffb9ab97065b0d8d64700a34ffdb.pdf%|%GLUT/Tk:∗OpenGL†with Tcl/Tk], Joseph C. Kończal: A short introduction to GLUT/Tk. ** Description ** GLUT/Tk is a "light-weight" system that seeks to leverage GLUT and Tcl/Tk by tying them together in a stylistically consistent way with the addition of only a few commands to each. As a result, developers can code 3D applications, including graphical input, windows, and menus, that will port easily between Unix-based systems and Windows-based systems. Furthermore, there should be at most a negligible performance penalty, since the purely graphical operations are still programmed directly in OpenGL. <> Graphics | GLUT | Tk