[WJG] (20/09/2010) I'm pleased to announce the first release of the Tcl/Gnocl bindings to the Gtk+ AbiWidget providing access to the key functionality at the heart of the Gnome Desktop AbiWord processor for use in customized text processing applications. For more information see the online https://sites.google.com/site/gnocltclgtk/packages/gnocl-abiwidget%|%docs%|%. Get the sourcecode from from http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnocl/files/%|%here%|% The expected screenshot.. [http://lh4.ggpht.com/_yaFgKvuZ36o/TJeqoYzXMAI/AAAAAAAAAvw/mSujfnSt6AY/s800/abiwidget.png] And sample script.. ====== #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" package require Gnocl package require GnoclAbiWidget set aw1 [gnocl::abiwidget] # pack into a toplevel window gnocl::window \ -child $aw1 \ -defaultWidth 640 \ -defaultHeight 400 \ -onDelete { exit } $aw1 insert table $aw1 load [pwd]/test.abw $aw1 view print gnocl::mainLoop ====== <>Gnocl