[WJG] (02-Nov-09) The poppler libraries [http://poppler.freedesktop.org/] provide a useful set of tools for displaying Acrobat PDF files. Ok, at the moment it still a set of basic stubs, but the bare bones are now there for gnocl scripters to display PDFs. All that's needed is a little more flesh on the bones, (aka more Gtk+ code in the switch blocks) to get the full implementation up and running -any offers from anyone? For this sample there's no need for a demo script for obvious reasons. [http://lh4.ggpht.com/_yaFgKvuZ36o/Su9O3t9uAMI/AAAAAAAAAJs/e22D84rmahw/s800/Screenshot-gnocl%3A%3ApdfViewer.png] [ABU] I'm interested in, but I'm not a C (?) programmer. If you are going to develope a '''pdf-viewer''' widget, I'd like to have a preview of the tcl-API. <>Enter Category Here