[GPS] ====== #In honor of gnuJ lraC package require Tcl 8.5 ;# Because of {*} package require Tk pack [canvas .c -bg black -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 -width 650 -height 650] -fill both -expand 1 proc hexagram {c width startangle startcolor endcolor} { set ratio [expr {3.1459 / 180}] set magic 60 set angle $startangle set radius [expr {$width / 2}] for {set i 0} {$i <= 6} {incr i} { set theta [expr {$ratio * $angle}] set x [expr {(cos($theta) * $radius) + $radius}] set y [expr {(-sin($theta) * $radius) + $radius}] lappend points $x $y incr angle $magic } set offset 0 for {set i 0} {$i < ([llength $points] / 2)} {incr i} { set start [lrange $points $offset [expr {$offset + 1}]] set rest [lrange $points [expr {$offset + 2}] end] set x1 [lindex $start 0] set y1 [lindex $start 1] foreach {x2 y2} $rest { $c create line [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] -fill $startcolor } incr offset 2 } $c create line $points -fill $endcolor catch {$c raise wisdom} } proc go {c angle colors incr step} { set width [$c cget -width] hexagram $c $width $angle {*}$colors incr angle $incr set half [expr {$width / 2}] if {abs($angle) > $width} { $c delete all switch -- [expr {$step % 4}] { 0 { set colors [list yellow green] $c create text $half $half -text Zeitgeist -font {Helvetica 32} -fill black -tags wisdom set incr 3 } 1 { set colors [list red yellow] $c create text $half $half -text Self -font {Helvetica 32} -fill white -tags wisdom set incr -5 } 2 { set colors [list blue red] $c create text $half $half -text Anima -font {Helvetica 32} -fill white -tags wisdom set incr 5 } 3 { set colors [list blue purple] $c create text $half $half -text Shadow -font {Helvetica 32} -fill green -tags wisdom incr incr -3 } } set angle 90 incr step } after 50 [list go $c $angle $colors $incr $step] } go .c 90 [list black white] 8 0 ====== [AM] Added the requirement for Tcl 8.5, if you have not got that: replace the line with {*} by its 8.4 equivalent. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Whizzlet] |% !!!!!!