Version 11 of gnuplot

Updated 2005-03-13 12:34:43

What: gnuplot

 Description: Gnuplot is a command-line driven interactive
        function plotting utility for UNIX, MSDOS, VMS,
        and many other platforms.  
 Updated: 12/2002
 Contact: See web site

People often ask about combinations of gnuplot [L1 ] and Tcl; in fact, archives from the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup pertaining to gnuplot are quite extensive [L2 ]. Perhaps the most impressive marriage of the two is UniGNUPlot [L3 ], which makes for quick development of useful graphs:

"Just with simple 'click' and scroll bars, you have a good graphic in seconds, ready to insert in the document what you want or directly to the printer..."

gnuplot handles real and complex data. Aside from plotting datasets gnuplot can handle functions i.e. f(x) = ax + bx² .. . As an ecore gnuplot can fit functions to given data.

[ Category Application | Category Graphics | Category Plotting ]