Version 14 of gnuplot

Updated 2007-03-05 13:06:52

What: gnuplot

 Description: Gnuplot is a command-line driven interactive
        function plotting utility for UNIX, MSDOS, VMS,
        and many other platforms.  
 Updated: 12/2002
 Contact: See web site

People often ask about combinations of gnuplot [L1 ] and Tcl; in fact, archives from the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup pertaining to gnuplot are quite extensive [L2 ]. Perhaps the most impressive marriage of the two is UniGNUPlot [L3 ], which makes for quick development of useful graphs:

"Just with simple 'click' and scroll bars, you have a good graphic in seconds, ready to insert in the document what you want or directly to the printer..."

gnuplot handles real and complex data. plotting specific columns i.e "using 1:3" or computations i.e "using ($1-$2):(abs($3) - pow($5,2))" from composite data is rather easy. Aside from plotting datasets gnuplot can handle functions i.e. f(x) = ax + bx² .. . As an encore gnuplot can fit functions to given data.

See also 3D animation on canvas with Gnuplot

[ Category Application | Category Graphics | Category Plotting ]