Actually several packages: * grammar::me::util - Manipulation and conversion of abstract syntax trees (ASTs) between various representations. * grammar::me::tcl - Implementation I of the ME virtual machine (where ME is a short for MatchEngine). * grammar::me::cpu - Implementation II of the ME virtual machine. * grammar::me::cpu::core - State manipulation core for previous package. Documentation: * * * * ---- ''[escargo] 13 Dec 2006'' - Anybody got some examples? I didn't see any on the SourceForge [Tcllib] cvs directories. Digging further I found the tcllib/apps/page, but now I'm looking for page examples. (I suppose it's a clever name, but searching for "page" does not have a very good signal-to-noise ratio. Then again [page] just fails to provide much useful info.) <> Package | Tcllib | Parsing