Version 1 of gsm

Updated 2003-12-18 16:27:24

Anton Kovalenko: GSM for tcl

A library [L1 ] to communicate with GSM mobile phone and to send/receive SMS.

Usage samples:

    set phone [open COM1 r+]
    foreach {manuf model revision} [gsm::phone::acquire $phone] {break}
    puts "Phone model: $manuf $model ($revision)"
    gsm::io::atcmd $phone Z
    # set default timeout
    gsm::io::timeout $phone 4000
    set gdconts [gsm::io::atcmd $phone +CGDCONT]
    gsm::phone::sendsms $phone +79163453402 \
                 "Hello Anton, I'm testing your library"
    gsm::phone::sendsms $phone +79163453402 "Unicode test: \u0412 "

    foreach sm [gsm::pdu::assemble [gsm::phone::readsms $tty ME 4]] {
      array set sm1 $sm
      puts "Storage id $sm1(id), assembled from $sm1(parts)"
      puts "From/to $sm1(peer): $sm1(text)"

This library is used in SMS Reception Center [L2 ]