There have been some discussions about how to improve the look and feel of Tk on Unix, and a site was set up to host development: where, [JAC] (I believe) posted some nice looking defaults for Tk on Unix. I took those and tweaked them some, and here is the result: if { [tk windowingsystem] == "x11" } { option add *borderWidth 1 widgetDefault option add *activeBorderWidth 1 widgetDefault option add *selectBorderWidth 1 widgetDefault option add *font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-* option add *padX 2 option add *padY 4 option add *Listbox.background white option add *Listbox.selectBorderWidth 0 option add *Listbox.selectForeground white option add *Listbox.selectBackground #4a6984 option add *Entry.background white option add *Entry.selectBorderWidth 0 option add *Entry.selectForeground white option add *Entry.selectBackground #4a6984 option add *Text.background white option add *Text.selectBorderWidth 0 option add *Text.selectForeground white option add *Text.selectBackground #4a6984 option add *Menu.activeBackground #4a6984 option add *Menu.activeForeground white option add *Menu.activeBorderWidth 0 option add *Menu.highlightThickness 0 option add *Menu.borderWidth 2 option add *MenuButton.activeBackground #4a6984 option add *MenuButton.activeForeground white option add *MenuButton.activeBorderWidth 0 option add *MenuButton.highlightThickness 0 option add *MenuButton.borderWidth 0 option add *highlightThickness 0 option add *troughColor #bdb6ad } ---- [nl] Can someone post "before" and "after" screenshots please?