This page describes the changes to gui.tcl that are required for Wikit to run on the PocketPC: * Replace the use of gbuttons with standard buttons. While this doesn't look as nice, gbuttons use IncrTcl, and as far as I know, IncrTcl isn't available on PocketPC yet. * Add an "Exit" button. This is useful since menu's and the "X" button don't work with Tcl 8.4.4 on the PocketPC. * Change the layout of the buttons and search input box to better fit in the PocketPC's (small) screen dimensions. * Automatically change the size of the window when editing so that the PocketPC keyboard doesn't obscure the input. This patch is against Wikit version: 2003/08/20 19:06:22 68261-69214. Patch gui.tcl: ---- 17,19d16 < if {[catch {package require gbutton}]} { < puts stderr "cannot load gbutton" < } else { 105c102 < focus $top.n.enter --- > focus $top.n.f2.enter 108c105 < gButton::modify Back \ --- > $top.n.f0.back \ 134c131 < if {![string equal [gButton::cget Back -text] Back]} { --- > if {![string equal [$top.n.f0.back cget -text] Back]} { 136,139c133,136 < gButton::modify Back -text Back -command "Wikit::ShowPage" < gButton::modify Forward -text Forward -command "Wikit::ShowPage -1" < gButton::modify Home -text Home -command "Wikit::ShowPage $toppage" < gButton::modify Edit -text Edit -command "Wikit::EditPage" --- > $top.n.f0.back configure -text Back -command "Wikit::ShowPage" > $top.n.f0.forward configure -text Forward -command "Wikit::ShowPage -1" > $top.n.f0.home configure -text Home -command "Wikit::ShowPage $toppage" > $top.n.f0.edit configure -text Edit -command "Wikit::EditPage" 142c139 < gButton::modify Edit -state normal --- > $top.n.f0.edit configure -state normal 162c159 < $top.n.mode configure -text Search: --- > $top.n.f2.mode configure -text Search: 194c191 < focus $top.n.enter --- > focus $top.n.f2.enter 196c193 < gButton::modify Home -state disabled --- > $top.n.f0.home configure -state disabled 198c195 < gButton::modify Home -state normal --- > $top.n.f0.home configure -state normal 201c198 < gButton::modify Help -state disabled --- > $ configure -state disabled 203c200 < gButton::modify Help -state normal --- > $ configure -state normal 212a210,211 > variable topwin > 218,227c217,228 < gButton::modify Back -text Cancel -command "Wikit::ShowPage $id < $D tag configure fixed -foreground $Color::fixedFg -background $Color::fixedBg -font wikit_fixed -wrap none < " -state normal < gButton::modify Forward -text Save -command " < $D tag configure fixed -foreground $Color::fixedFg -background $Color::fixedBg -font wikit_fixed -wrap none < SavePage $id \[$D get 1.0 end\] local \[$top.n.enter get\] < Wikit::ShowPage $id" -state normal < gButton::modify Home -text Copy -state disabled -command Wikit::Copy < gButton::modify Edit -text Paste -state normal -command Wikit::Paste < gButton::modify Help -state disabled --- > $top.n.f0.back configure -text Cancel -command "Wikit::ShowPage $id > wm geometry $topwin 236x267+0+4 > $D tag configure fixed -foreground $Color::fixedFg -background $Color::fixedBg -font wikit_fixed -wrap none" \ > -state normal > $top.n.f0.forward configure -text Save -command " > wm geometry $topwin 236x267+0+4 > $D tag configure fixed -foreground $Color::fixedFg -background $Color::fixedBg -font wikit_fixed -wrap none > SavePage $id \[$D get 1.0 end\] local \[$top.n.f2.enter get\] > Wikit::ShowPage $id" -state normal > $top.n.f0.home configure -text Copy -state disabled -command Wikit::Copy > $top.n.f0.edit configure -text Paste -state normal -command Wikit::Paste > $ configure -state disabled 230c231 < $top.n.mode configure -text "Edit Title:" --- > $top.n.f2.mode configure -text "Edit Title:" 236a238 > wm geometry $topwin 236x190+0+4 246a249 > variable top 252c255 < gButton::modify Forward -state normal --- > $top.n.f0.forward configure -state normal 276c279 < gButton::modify Back -text Back -command "Wikit::ShowPage" --- > $top.n.f0.back configure -text Back -command "Wikit::ShowPage" 279c282 < gButton::modify Forward -state disabled --- > $top.n.f0.forward configure -state disabled 283c286 < gButton::modify Back -state $state --- > $top.n.f0.back configure -state $state 335,336d337 < < gButton::init -bg $Color::wikiBg -font wikit_button -disabledfill $Color::btnDisable 350,354c351,356 < set b0 [gButton #auto $top.n.f0] < $b0 new Back < $b0 new Forward < $b0 new Home < label $top.n.mode -width 7 -anchor e -bg $Color::wikiBg \ --- > button $top.n.f0.back -command "Wikit::ShowPage" -text Back > button $top.n.f0.forward -command "Wikit::ShowPage -1" -text Forward > button $top.n.f0.home -command "Wikit::ShowPage $toppage" -text Home > button $top.n.f0.exit -command exit -text Exit > frame $top.n.f2 -background $Color::wikiBg > label $top.n.f2.mode -width 7 -anchor e -bg $Color::wikiBg \ 356,359c358,361 < entry $top.n.enter -textvariable Wikit::currMode -font wikit_default < if {!$readonly} { < $b0 new Edit < gButton::modify Edit -command "Wikit::EditPage" --- > entry $top.n.f2.enter -textvariable Wikit::currMode -font wikit_default > pack $top.n.f2.mode $top.n.f2.enter -side left -padx 2 > if {!$readonly} { > button $top.n.f0.edit -command "Wikit::EditPage" -text Edit 361,364c363,365 < $b0 size < pack $top.n.f0 -side left -padx 0 -pady 0 < pack $top.n.mode -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 < pack $top.n.enter -side left -padx 4 -expand 1 -fill x --- > pack $top.n.f0.back $top.n.f0.forward $top.n.f0.home $top.n.f0.edit $top.n.f0.exit -side left -padx 2 > pack $top.n.f0 -side top -padx 0 -pady 0 -expand 1 -fill x > pack $top.n.f2 -side bottom -padx 0 -expand 1 -fill x 366,368c367,368 < set b1 [gButton #auto $top.n.f1] < $b1 new Help < $b1 size --- > button $ -text [lindex [GetTitle 3] 0] \ > -command "Wikit::ShowPage 3" 413,416d412 < gButton::modify Back -command "Wikit::ShowPage" < gButton::modify Forward -command "Wikit::ShowPage -1" < gButton::modify Help -text [lindex [GetTitle 3] 0] \ < -command "Wikit::ShowPage 3" 419d414 < gButton::modify Home -command "Wikit::ShowPage $toppage" 423a419 > wm geometry $topwin 236x267+0+4 428c424 < wm minsize $topwin [winfo width $topwin] [winfo height $topwin] --- > # wm minsize $topwin [winfo width $topwin] [winfo height $topwin] 439a436 > variable top 454c451 < set txt [gButton::cget Edit -text] --- > set txt [$top.n.f0.edit cget -text] 502a500,501 > variable top > 508c507 < gButton::modify Home -state $state --- > $top.n.f0.home configure -state $state 512d510 < } ----