hat0 writes [the brick engine]. hat0 has also written a simple [ssh launcher] and a [pure-tcl BMP reader/writer]. Here is a link to a page about a new packaging system called [Ultimate Package Blast-o-rama]. And here is a link to a little package which can be used to preload DLLs on a Windows-based machine: [dllfix] ---- [AMG]: Happy belated birthday! [hat0]: thank you very much!! ---- It's March of 2010. I've been asking around today, what sort of vision people have for Tcl, five years out. Alex Ferrieux says, "freeze as perfect, like /bin/sh" Colin says, "if I have any vision at all, it's about making Tcl smaller by making its innards more introspective and able to be implemented in Tcl. If you can generate bytecode from Tcl, then you can write all (or some, or many) of the compilation of Tcl commands to Bytecode *in* Tcl." Benefit is an advantage in speed of writing/improving the standard library. Drawback is a period of lack of stability in the core. ---- **A five-year plan for Tcl** These are my thoughts about things that could improve tcl, or various different directions tcl could go, so that it is not just another language in 2015, but a language of growing importance/relevance. * some syntax- or command-level concurrency (e.g. a foreach that parallelizes the body?) * some syntactic sugar on "expr"? * modularization of the core (e.g. easily-discarded timezones, etc) * some sort of script-level marker that code block X has no traces/doesn't redefine commands and can therefore be more heavily optimized * some sort of JIT compilation? * work alongside or replace javascript as an in-browser DOM-manipulation language? * why is Jim so small? what does it lack that is a deal-breaker? * saving now, because there is a thunderstorm going on.. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Person] |% !!!!!!