[RS] writes that " i18n stands for that word with 'i' in front, 'n' at the end, and 18 letters in between - internationalization, adapting software to non-English language environments." Also, he provides an algorithmlet to produce such abbreviations: proc n2n s { return [string index $s 0][string length [string range $s 1 end-1]][string index $s end] } % n2n internationalization i18n % n2n localization l10n ---- Tcl/Tk is an excellent base for i18n, with Unicode, encoding support, and Tk's automatic font finding. In another take at localization (l10n), the community has collected a number of translations of the constitutional Tcl man page - see [Endekalogue]. ---- [i18n - writing for the world] or, newer, [i18n - Tcl for the world] ---- Introduction to i18n: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/intro-i18n/ http://www.tcl.tk/doc/howto/i18n.html