if 0 {[Michael Jacobson] 2003-05-14 - While showing my 6 year old son the game [TkAlign4] he said that it was great but needed a computer to play against (as dad was busy at the time). So with some help from a friend, [Jason Tang], we came up with these enhancements to TkAlign4. I also tried to make sure that it would be playable on the [PocketPc] version of Tcl/Tk. If you want to just download a copy then get it here [http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jakeforce/iConnect4.tcl] or a TclKit version here [http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jakeforce/iConnect4.kit] } ---- set info "iConnect4 (was TkAlign4) by Richard Suchenwirth AI Game Architect by Jason Tang Computer Play updates by Michael Jacobson Game Play Two players, red and yellow. Click on a column to insert piece. If you have four pieces in a row (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), you win. Computer Opponent You may play against the computer or even have it play itself. You may halt the computer by changing it back to a human player with the spin box. " frame .f set g(status) {6 6 6 6 6 6 6} button .f.0 -text New -command {reset .c} button .f.1 -text Reset -command {reset .c all} spinbox .f.2s -textvar g(pred) -width 8 -values {Player1 Computer} -command {opponentchg .f.2s %s} set g(pred) Player1 label .f.2 -bg red -width 2 -textvar g(red) spinbox .f.3s -textvar g(pyellow) -width 8 -values {Player2 Computer} -command {opponentchg .f.3s %s} set g(pyellow) Player2 label .f.3 -bg yellow -width 2 -textvar g(yellow) # button .f.4 -text ? -command {tk_messageBox -message $info} eval pack [winfo children .f] -side left -fill y canvas .c eval pack [winfo children .] wm geometry . 240x320+0+0 proc reset {c {what ""}} { global g $c delete all if {$what=="all"} { set g(red) 0 set g(yellow) 0 set g(toPlay) red } else { set g(toPlay) $g(toPlay) ;# to trip the trace } oval $c 107 2 133 28 -fill $g(toPlay) -tag chip $c create rect 0 30 240 240 -fill darkblue foreach x {0 1 2 3 4 5 6} { set x0 [expr $x*32+10] set x1 [expr $x0+26] foreach y {1 2 3 4 5 6} { set y0 [expr $y*32+16] set y1 [expr $y0+26] set id [oval $c $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 -fill black -tag $x,$y] $c bind $id <1> [list insert $c $x] } } } proc insert {c x {block 1}} { if {$block} { # do not let manual insert if in computer control mode if {$::g(p$::g(toPlay)) == "Computer" } {return} } if {[$c find withtag chip]==""} return if {[colorof $c $x,1] != "black"} return $c delete chip global g set color $g(toPlay) $c itemconfig $x,1 -fill $color set y 1 while 1 { update if {[colorof $c $x,[expr $y+1]] != "black"} break $c itemconfig $x,$y -fill black $c itemconfig $x,[incr y] -fill $color after 100 } set g(status) [lreplace $g(status) $x $x [expr $y-1]] if ![win $c $x $y] { set g(toPlay) [expr {$color=="red"? "yellow" : "red"}] oval $c 107 2 133 28 -fill $g(toPlay) -tag chip } } proc colorof {c tag} {$c itemcget $tag -fill} proc win {c x y} { global g set self [colorof $c $x,$y] foreach {dx dy} {1 0 0 1 1 1 1 -1} { set mdx [expr -$dx]; set mdy [expr -$dy] set row $x,$y set x0 $x; set y0 $y while 1 { if {[colorof $c [incr x0 $dx],[incr y0 $dy]]!=$self} break lappend row $x0,$y0 } set x0 $x; set y0 $y while 1 { if {[colorof $c [incr x0 $mdx],[incr y0 $mdy]]!=$self} break lappend row $x0,$y0 } if {[llength $row] >= 4} { #puts "We have a winner - Now flash the 4 in a row" foreach chip $row {$c addtag win withtag $chip} $c itemconfig win -fill green set last green for {set i 1} {$i < 6} {incr i} { set new [expr {$last=="green"? "$self" : "green"}] after [expr {500 * $i}] \ $c itemconfig win -fill $new set last $new } # set g(toPlay) [expr {$self=="red"? "yellow" : "red"}] tk_messageBox -message "$g(p$self) wins" incr ::g($self) return 1 } } return 0 } if {$tcl_platform(os)=="Windows CE"} { proc rp {x0 y0 x1 y1 {n 0} } { set xm [expr {($x0+$x1)/2.}] set ym [expr {($y0+$y1)/2.}] set rx [expr {$xm-$x0}] set ry [expr {$ym-$y0}] if {$n==0} { set n [expr {round(($rx+$ry))}] } set step [expr {atan(1)*8/$n}] set res "" set th [expr {atan(1)*6}] for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} { lappend res \ [expr {$xm+$rx*cos($th)}] lappend res \ [expr {$ym+$ry*sin($th)}] set th [expr {$th+$step}] } set res } proc oval {w x0 y0 x1 y1 args} { eval $w create poly [rp $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1] $args } } else { proc oval {w x0 y0 x1 y1 args} { eval $w create oval $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 $args } } ######################## AI Stuff below ############################## proc bestMove {color} { puts $color set ans [getMove $color] if {$::ABORT != 1} { insert .c $ans 0 } else { set ::ABORT 0 } } # sets the AI's difficulty level # higher number == tougher AI (but also much slower) # even numbers tends to favor a more aggressive AI # odd numbers tends to favor a more defensive AI set DIFFICULTY 3 set ABORT 0 proc getMove {color} { global DIFFICULTY set scores "" foreach col {0 1 2 3 4 5 6} { # first make a duplicate of the board dupBoard board # next simulate where drop would occur for {set row 6} {$row >= 1} {incr row -1} { if {$board($row,$col) == ""} { set board($row,$col) $color break } } if {$row <= 0} { # column is filled; skip to next one set result -10001 } else { set result [getMoveAB board $row $col $color $color \ -100001 100001 $DIFFICULTY] #puts "col $col: $result" if {$result == 10000} { return $col } } lappend scores $result } # now pick the best score set bestscore [lindex $scores 0] set bestcols 0 foreach i {1 2 3 4 5 6} { set current [lindex $scores $i] if {$current > $bestscore} { set bestscore $current set bestcols $i } elseif {$current == $bestscore} { lappend bestcols $i } } return [lindex $bestcols [expr {int (rand () * [llength $bestcols])}]] } # performs a somewhat modified alpha-beta search on the board proc getMoveAB {ob row col me current alpha beta depth} { update if {$::ABORT == 1} {return 10000} upvar $ob origBoard # this will check to see if search is at a terminal state set myscore [getScore origBoard $row $col $current] if {$depth <= 0 || $myscore == 10000} { if {$me != $current} { set myscore [expr {-1 * $myscore}] } return $myscore } elseif {$me != $current} { # examining a max node -- do alpha pruning incr depth -1 set newCurrent [oppColor $current] foreach col {0 1 2 3 4 5 6} { array set board [array get origBoard] for {set row 6} {$row >= 1} {incr row -1} { if {$board($row,$col) == ""} { set board($row,$col) $newCurrent break } } if {$row <= 0} { continue } set score [getMoveAB board $row $col $me $newCurrent \ $alpha $beta $depth] if {$score > $alpha} { set alpha $score } if {$alpha >= $beta} { return $alpha } } return $alpha } else { # examining a min node -- do beta pruning incr depth -1 set newCurrent [oppColor $current] foreach col {0 1 2 3 4 5 6} { array set board [array get origBoard] for {set row 6} {$row >= 1} {incr row -1} { if {$board($row,$col) == ""} { set board($row,$col) $newCurrent break } } if {$row <= 0} { continue } set score [getMoveAB board $row $col $me $newCurrent \ $alpha $beta $depth] if {$score < $beta} { set beta $score } if {$beta <= $alpha} { return $beta } } return $beta } } proc dupBoard {dest} { upvar $dest board foreach col {0 1 2 3 4 5 6} { set num 0 foreach row {1 2 3 4 5 6} { set c [colorof .c $col,$row] if {$c == "black"} { set board($row,$col) "" } else { set board($row,$col) $c } } } } proc oppColor {color} { if {$color == "red"} { return yellow } return red } proc getScore {b row col who} { upvar $b board set sum 0 foreach {dx dy ex ey} {-1 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 1} { set leftbound 1 set rightbound 1 set score 1 for {set c [expr {$col + $dx}]; set r [expr {$row + $dy}]; set i 0} \ {$i < 3} \ {incr c $dx; incr r $dy; incr i} { if {![info exists board($r,$c)]} { set leftbound 0 break } if {$board($r,$c) == $who} { set score [expr {$score << 3}] } else { if {$board($r,$c) != ""} { set leftbound 0 } break } } for {set c [expr {$col + $ex}]; set r [expr {$row + $ey}]; set i 0} \ {$i < 3} \ {incr c $ex; incr r $ey; incr i} { if {![info exists board($r,$c)]} { set rightbound 0 break } if {$board($r,$c) == $who} { set score [expr {$score << 3}] } else { if {$board($r,$c) != ""} { set rightbound 0 } break } } if {$score >= 256} { return 10000 } if {$leftbound == 0 && $rightbound == 0} { set score 0 } else { set score [expr {$score + $leftbound * 2 + $rightbound * 2}] } incr sum $score } return $sum } ######################## AI GUI Stuff below ############################## proc opponentchg {c s} { if {$s == "Computer"} { if {".f.2s" == $c && $::g(toPlay) == "red"} { playerchange} if {".f.3s" == $c && $::g(toPlay) == "yellow"} { playerchange} puts "change -chg" } else { #if {".f.2s" == $c && $::g(toPlay) == "red"} { set ::ABORT 1} #if {".f.3s" == $c && $::g(toPlay) == "yellow"} {set ::ABORT 1} puts "abort -chg" } } trace variable g(toPlay) w playerchange trace variable g(pred) w playerstatus trace variable g(pyellow) w playerstatus proc playerstatus {array var type} { if {"$::g(p$::g(toPlay))" == $::g($var)} { if {$::OLD == "Computer" && [string range $::g($var) 0 end-1] == "Player"} { set ::ABORT 1 } } } set OLD "" proc playerchange {args} { set ::OLD $::g(p$::g(toPlay)) if { $::OLD == "Computer" } { return [after 100 [list bestMove $::g(toPlay)]] } } ### Code sized to look better on a PocketPC wm geometry . 240x268+0+1 . config -menu [menu .m] .m add casc -label File -menu [menu .m.file -tearoff 0] .m.file add comm -label Exit -comm exit .m add casc -label Hardness -menu [menu .m.ai -tearoff 0] .m.ai add radio -label {Stupid} -variable DIFFICULTY -value 0 .m.ai add radio -label {Dumb} -variable DIFFICULTY -value 1 .m.ai add radio -label {Easy} -variable DIFFICULTY -value 2 .m.ai add radio -label {Medium} -variable DIFFICULTY -value 3 .m.ai add radio -label {Hard} -variable DIFFICULTY -value 4 .m.ai add radio -label {Best} -variable DIFFICULTY -value 5 .m add casc -label Help -menu [menu .m.help -tearoff 0] .m.help add comm -label About -comm {tk_messageBox -message $info} bind . {console show} reset .c all