if 0 {[Richard Suchenwirth] 2003-03-12 - Here's a cute little application for the [iPAQ]: a signal light. Dirt simple: fill the display in a single color, controlled by the "cursor keys" (navigation button up/down/left/right). But when background lighting is on, you can use this for signalling in the dark - or, with the default white, as a mild pocket lamp... or to test whether the display's pixels are all working... Yellow looks pretty beige, though. A cheap thrill at less than 900 bytes, this documentation included ;-) } proc sigbind {w color} { if {[$w cget -background] != "white"} {set color white} $w config -background $color } pack [canvas .c -background white -height 320] wm geometry . +0+0 bind . {sigbind .c red} bind . {sigbind .c green} bind . {sigbind .c yellow} bind . {sigbind .c blue} if 0 { ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] }