if 0 {[Richard Suchenwirth] 2003-07-01 - "Rulers" are popular mini-applications on [PocketPC]s. Here's my take on the [iPaq] - for other displays, you might have to fine-tune the ppmm (pixels per millimeter) variable. Besides cm (resolution 1/10, i.e. mm) and inch (resolution 1/16) scales, it allows pixel-precise measurements of small objects like coins, by placing them on screen, aligned to the red bar, and adjusting the black bar until it fits to about 1/100 in. [http://mini.net/files/iRule.jpg] } wm title . "Tcl/Tk rules!" set ppmm 4.191 pack [canvas .c -width 235 -height 300 -borderwidth 0] button .x -text X -command exit .c create window 228 14 -window .x set y0 288 .c create text 25 8 -text "cm" .c create line 5 0 5 $y0 for {set mm 0} {$mm<70} {incr mm} { set y [expr {$y0-$mm* $ppmm }] if {$mm%10==0} { set x1 15 .c create text 25 $y -text [expr $mm/10] } elseif {$mm%10==5} { set x1 15 } else { set x1 10 } .c create line 5 $y $x1 $y } .c create text 75 8 -text "inch" .c create line 50 0 50 $y0 set ppi16 [expr $ppmm*25.4/16] for {set i16 0} {$i16<48} {incr i16} { set y [expr {$y0-$i16* $ppi16 }] if {$i16%16==0} { set x 63 .c create text 70 $y -text [expr $i16/16] } elseif {$i16%8==0} { set x 63 } elseif {$i16%4==0} { set x 60 } elseif {$i16%2==0} { set x 57 } else {set x 54} .c create line 50 $y $x $y } #-------- Custom measure .c create text 160 35 -text " Custom measurements: Place object on screen. Align with red bar. Tap for approximate top. Fine-tune with /." -fill blue proc redraw {} { global toy ppmm ppi16 y0 .c delete to .c create line 80 $toy 200 $toy -tag to set dy [expr $y0-$toy] set cm [format %.2f [expr $dy/$ppmm/10.]] set in [format %.2f [expr $dy/$ppi16/16.]] .c create text 130 80 -text "$cm cm/$in in." -tag to } .c create line 80 $y0 200 $y0 -fill red set toy 120; redraw bind .c <1> {set toy %y; redraw} bind . {incr toy -1; redraw} bind . {incr toy 1; redraw} bind . {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} wm geometry . +0+0