The '''identity function''' accepts one value and simply returns that value. Tcl 8.6 introduces a purpose built identity function in the core: * `[string cat] $x` Prior to that, different forms were common: * `[return] -level 0 $x` -- a command intended for the purpose, but quite awkward to type * `[lindex] $x` -- shorter but arguably less obvious And in `proc` form, close variants of `[K]` serve: * `[K] $x {}` * `[proc] identity {x} {set x}` * `[proc] K* {x args} {set x}` -- a multi-purpose [K] variant ** Reference ** [|%Identity function], Wikipedia: ** Description ** Various [Tcl Commands%|%built-in] commands simply return their argument and can also be used as an identity function. Some commands are very near misses: they'll work most of the time, until they don't. Those are called out with counterexamples in a comment in the list below. === set x {some\{value} #canonical identity functions string cat $x ;# 8.6+ return -level 0 $x # emergent identity functions and near misses: concat $x ;# miss: " x " expr {$x} ;# miss: 09, 1.00, 007, 0x10, " 100" lindex $x list $x ;# miss: \{, \$, \", \[ lrepeat 1 $x ;# miss: \{, \$, \", \[ regexp -inline .* $x regsub .* $x $x return -level 0 $x string cat $x string map {} $x string range $x 0 end string repeat $x 1 string replace $x -1 -1 string trim $x {} string trimleft $x {} string trimright $x {} [K] $x {} [K%|%K*] $x === There are various more obvious ways to get it wrong: === # misses due to under-quoting: expr $x ;# miss: 2+2 subst $x ;# miss: $somevar # only work on well-formed lists dict merge $x join $x lassign $x # only work on even-length lists dict remove $x dict replace $x === ---- ** Discussion ** [AMG]: Let's say you have to pass a script to `[eval]`, and the value `[eval]` returns is used somehow. What script do you pass if you want `[eval]` to simply return a constant, the result of a substitution, or a concatenated combination thereof? All of the above methods work, and `return -level 0` avoids the need for extra quoting or `[proc]` wrappers. This all can be quite useful in functional contexts. An example use from the `[if]` page: ====== set y [if {$x} {lindex a} else {lindex b}] ====== Another approach, on the `[switch]` page, thanks to [RS] (2005-05-30): ====== proc is x {set x} set type [switch -- $num { 1 - 9 {is odd} 2 - 3 - 5 - 7 {is prime} 0 - 4 - 6 - 8 {is even} }] ====== It's possible to delete the `[proc]` line and replace `is` with "`[lindex]`" or "`[return] -level 0`". [PYK]: In the wild, `[list] $x` is seen being put to use as the identify function, but it's not a safe bet, because `[list]` will perform quoting on the argument when necessary to make the value well-formed item in a single-item list. ---- [AMG]: [Brush] offers the [[:]] command (that's a single colon) which acts as the identity function when passed one argument. Given zero arguments, it returns [empty string]. Given two arguments, it behaves as [[[K]]], returning only the first argument. Likewise three or more arguments: it returns the first. [[:]] can be implemented in Tcl thus: ====== proc : {args} {lindex $args 0} ====== ** See Also ** [I Know Nothing]: more discussion of `-level` [|%Single-argument dict merge/remove/replace], a Tcl bug tracker ticket: At the moment (2014-05-28), single-argument [[dict merge/remove/replace]] are unintentional identity functions, even when their argument is not a valid dict. [shorthand dict set]: includes `set` and `get` where `get` acts as the identity function when 1 arg is passed, but acts like `dict get` for > 1 args. <> Tcl syntax