package require TclOO package require snit package require sqlite3 package require tcl::chan::events package require tcl::chan::string source isbl-parser.tcl # Here are some little helpers. # proc K { x y } { set x } proc cat { file } { K [read [set fp [open $file]]] [close $fp] } proc lremove { list value args } { # Thanks to RS lsearch -all -inline -not -exact {*}$args $list $value } proc : { args } { set body [lindex $args end] set reply {} foreach {*}[lrange $args 0 end-1] { append reply [subst $body] } set reply } proc map { args } { set body [lindex $args end] set reply {} foreach {*}[lrange $args 0 end-1] { lappend reply [eval $body] } set reply } oo::class create isbl { variable parser string count \ cStack cColumns cType \ Templates FunType \ vPrefix constructor { database } { set count 0 sqlite3 [namespace current]::sql $database set vPrefix "" # Sql statement templates for each isbl operator # set Templates { # This should be a classvar? + { select * from (%a1) UNION select * from (%a2) } . { select * from (%a1) INTERSECT select * from (%a2) } - { select * from (%a1) EXCEPT select t1.* from (%a1) as t1 NATURAL JOIN (%a2) } : { select * from (%a1) where (%a2) } % { select distinct %a2 from (%a1) } * { select * from (%a1) NATURAL JOIN (%a2) } } set parser [isbl-parser] } # This block of methods generates sql from the AST built by the isbl-parser peg parser. # Each method can be seen as the parser "action" associated with the corresponding rule. # # Many of the non-terminal symbols in the grammer are evaluated using the same code. # The parser-actions preprocessor reads the grammer file and generates a bunch of parser # actions # from the directives given in the comments there and the templates provided # in the isbl-actions.act file we include the generated actions here. # source isbl-actions.tcl method Tupple { start end args } { ; # Use select wo/from to generate a tupple. my cPush {} K "select [my {*}[lindex $args 1]]" [my cPop; my cPush $cColumns] } method Sum { start end args } { my Operator $args } ; # These are the operators. method Join { start end args } { my Operator $args } method Select { start end args } { my Operator $args } method Project { start end args } { my Operator $args } method Operator { args } { ; # Convert infix to sql using the set args [lindex $args 0] ; # template sql strings. set reply [my {*}[lindex $args 0]] foreach { op a2 } [lrange $args 1 end] { set op [my {*}$op] set a2 [my {*}$a2] my cOperator $op set reply [string map [list %a1 $reply %a2 $a2] [dict get $Templates $op]] } set reply } # A top level sql expression. # # The top level evaluation returns a list to evaluate # method TopExpr { start end relexpr } { list [my {*}$relexpr] } method Assign { start end args } { ; # Insert into or Overwrie a table. set tab [my {*}[lindex $args 0]] set op [my {*}[lindex $args 1]] set val [my {*}[lindex $args 2]] set drop {} set sql {} switch $op { = { set sql [subst { drop table if exists $tab ; drop view if exists $tab ; create table $tab ( [join [lindex $cStack end] ,] , constraint uc_set unique ( [join [map x [lindex $cStack end] { lindex $x 0 }] ,] ) on conflict replace ) ; insert or replace into $tab $val ; }] } += { set sql [subst { insert or replace into $tab $val ; }] } := { set sql [subst { drop view if exists $tab ; drop table if exists $tab ; create view $tab as $val ; }] } -= { return [list $val [subst { sql eval { delete from $tab where [join [: col [my cPop] { [list [lindex $col 0]=\$[lindex $col 0]] }] " and "] } }]] } *= { set vPrefix " \$" set asslist [my {*}[lindex $args 3]] set vPrefix "" return [list $val [subst { sql eval { update $tab set $asslist } }]] } } list [subst { begin transaction ; $sql; commit transaction ; }] } method Cols { start end args } { ; # This part of the grammer tracks the set columns {} ; # column definition of a term. foreach arg $args { set columns [my {*}$arg $columns] } foreach col $columns { switch [llength $col] { 1 { lappend Columns $col; lappend sql $col } 2 { lappend Columns $col; lappend sql [lindex $col 0] } 3 { lappend Columns [lrange $col 0 1]; lappend sql "[lindex $col 2] as [lindex $col 0]" } } } set cColumns $Columns join $sql , } method Col { start end column columns } { my {*}$column $columns } method CFunc { start end name in out columns } { set name [my {*}$name] set args [my {*}$in] set n 0 set call "set [namespace current]::__$name \[$name {*}\$args]" foreach col [split [my {*}$out] ,] { if { [info proc [namespace current]::__$name$n] eq {} } { sql function __$name$n [namespace current]::__$name$n proc [namespace current]::__$name$n args [subst { $call lindex $[namespace current]::__$name $n }] } lappend reply [list $col [lindex $FunType($name) $n] __$name${n}($args)] incr n set call {} set args {} } lappend $columns {*}$reply } method CName { start end columns } { set col [string range $string $start $end] set columns [lremove $columns $col -index 0] lappend columns [list $col [my cType $col]] } method CAll { start end columns } { set all [my cAll] foreach col $columns { set all [lremove $all [lindex $col 0] -index 0] } lappend columns {*}$all } method CDel { start end columns } { if { $columns eq {} } { set columns [my CAll $start $end $columns] } lremove $columns [string range $string $start $end] -index 0 } method CMap { start end value column columns } { set val [my {*}$value] set col [my {*}$column] set columns [lremove $columns $col] lappend columns [list $col $cType $val] } method Table { start end } { my cTab [string range $string $start $end] } method VName { start end } { my tType "$vPrefix[string range $string $start $end]" } method Real { start end } { my tReal; string range $string $start $end } method Int { start end } { my tInt; string range $string $start $end } method String { start end } { my tTxt; string range $string $start $end } method EOF { args } {} # These methods are the "op codes" of the column tracking machine # method cTab { table } { my cPush [my cColumns $table]; set table } method cOperator { Op } { switch $Op { % { my cPop; my cPush $cColumns } * { set c2 [my cPop] set c1 [my cPop] set cc $c1 foreach col $c2 { if { [lsearch -index 0 $c1 [lindex $col 0]] < 0 } { lappend cc $col } } my cPush $cc } + - - - . { my cPop } } } method cColumns { Table } { set x {} sql eval [subst { pragma table_info($Table) }] { lappend x [list $name $type] } set x } method cAll {} { lindex $cStack end } method cPop {} { K [lindex $cStack end] [set cStack [lrange $cStack 0 end-1]] } method cPush { value } { lappend cStack $value } method cType { column } { lindex [my tCol $column] 1 } method tReal {} { set cType real } method tInt {} { set cType int } method tTxt {} { set cType text } method tCol { column } { lindex $cStack end [lsearch -index 0 [lindex $cStack end] $column] } method tType { column } { set cType [lindex [my tCol $column] 1] set column } unexport cTab cOperator cColumns cColumns cAll cPop cPush cType tReal tInt tTxt tCol tType # Here is the worker bee # method isbl2sql { isbl } { set cStack {} set cColumns {} set vPrefix {} try { set sql {} set string $isbl set sql [my {*}[K [set ast [$parser parse [set chan [::tcl::chan::string $string]]]] [close $chan]]] } on error message { puts "$message" lassign $message rde pos if { $rde eq "pt::rde" } { error "syntax : [string range $string 0 $pos] ?? [string range $string $pos+1 end]" } else { error $message } } if { [llength [split [lindex $sql 0] " "]] == 1 } { set sql [lreplace $sql 0 0 "select * from [lindex $sql 0]"] } #puts "ast : $ast" #puts "sql : $sql" set sql } # Evaluate the sql on the attached sqlite database. This is how we interact with sqlite. # method sql { sql args } { uplevel [list [namespace current]::sql eval $sql {*}$args] } method eval { isbl } { ; # Evaluate an isbl expression set sql {} try { sql eval {*}[set sql [my isbl2sql $isbl]] } on error message { puts "$message : $sql" error $message } } method +sql { isbl } { ; # Print sql result for debugging puts [my isbl2sql $isbl] } method list { isbl } { ; # List expression result as tab table set sql [lindex [my isbl2sql $isbl] 0] if { [lindex $cStack 0] eq {} } { puts stderr "No Table?" exit 1 } foreach col [lindex $cStack 0] { lappend columns [lindex $col 0] } puts [join $columns "\t"] puts [regsub -all {[^\t]} [join $columns "\t"] -] try { sql eval $sql T { set sep "" foreach name $T(*) { puts -nonewline "$sep$T($name)" set sep "\t" } puts "" } } on error message { puts "[self] list $isbl : $sql : $message" } } method function { type func args body } { ; # Define a function set FunType($func) $type sql function $func $func proc [namespace current]::$func $args $body } }