Version 4 of itcl::configbody

Updated 2007-01-12 14:12:37

[ Someone want to write up something about what this incr tcl command does?

AW from the source code of itcl3.3:

 *    itcl::configbody <class>::<publicVar> <body>
 *  Looks for an existing public variable with the name <publicVar>,
 *  and if found, tries to assign the implementation.  If <body> has
 *  the form "@name" then it is treated as a reference to a C handling
 *  procedure; otherwise, it is taken as a body of Tcl statements.

As far as I understand it: if you assign a public variable a value with the itcl configure command (myclass configure -myvar Hello) then first the new value is assigned to that variable and afterwards the script in configbody is evaluated additionally.

It is also possible to define a config script for a variable when defining the variable: protected variable myvar hello {puts "this is the configscript of myvar"}

GWM at last it becomes vaguely less fog encrusted, when the ptrogram (or user) changes a public variable by use fo the 'configure -<VARNAME> newvalue' option then the configbody is called. So here is a simplified example.

  console show;  update idletasks

  package require Itcl
  itcl::class hellobtn { ;# a button restricted to the values 0-9
    public variable publicv ;# this var is adjusted using the configure -publicv...
    constructor {frm} {    }
    method increm {dn} {
        set publicv "$dn"
   # create a sample case:
  set btn [hellobtn  h2 .]
  itcl::configbody hellobtn::publicv  {tk_messageBox -message "HOOP $publicv"}

h2 configure -publicv bump

Category Command a part of the incr tcl object oriented package