Version 15 of itcl

Updated 2008-12-20 13:17:36 by wiede

[Put a pointer to a webified version of itcl.n and itclvars on this page]

Package name for incr Tcl, one popular object oriented extension for Tcl.

    % package require Itcl

[incr Tcl] is a longer, more entertaining name that people use to refer to the same same bit of code, but the name of the package, as installed, is Itcl.

The itcl package consists of the following command names:

apw 2008-12-20 for a feature list of itcl 4.0 (called also itcl-ng) see: 2. There are a lot of new features like delegation, components, types, widgetadaptors, widgets etc.

For a threaded Version of Itcl, see Threaded Itcl

Help in debugging itcl code.

Miscellaneous info on itcl

Undocumented features of Itcl: