| What | '''jimhttp''' (name subject to change) | | Where | https://github.com/dbohdan/jimhttp | | Description | A web microframework prototype meant to be like [http://www.sinatrarb.com/%|%Sinatra] and [http://flask.pocoo.org/%|%Flask] written in pure [Jim Tcl]. Provides a rough implementation of the HTTP protocol as well as routing, templates, [JSON] generation and parsing, an HTML [domain-specific language%|%DSL] and persistent storage powered by [SQLite3].| | Platforms | Likely all supported by Jim Tcl's [http://jim.tcl.tk/index.html/doc/www/www/extensions/%|%aio]. | | Prerequisites | The latest Jim Tcl from the [https://github.com/msteveb/jimtcl%|%Git repository]. The current stable release (Jim Tcl 0.75) won't do. | | Updated | 09/2014 | | License | MIT | ***Code example*** ====== source http.tcl http::add-handler GET /hello/:name/:town { return [http::make-response \ "Hello, $routeVars(name) from $routeVars(town)!"] } http::start-server 8080 ====== <>Internet | Web