Version 4 of kbs discussion

Updated 2009-06-25 06:06:51 by RZ

kbs means Tclkit Kitgen Build System

RZ Some thoughts about a "may be" new package description syntax:

  • change all internal commands to look like switches (Get->-get, Run->-run,..)
  • provide one global command (--) to describe packages with the following syntax:
 -- <pkg> <ver> ?<cmd> <script>?

<cmd> is one of require, source, configure, make, test, clean. The order is not significant. Everything is saved internally and checked before really used. <cmd> can be shortest unique abbreviation (p.e. t te tes test)

  • allow access and running of saved contents in scripts

Some examples

Define common functions:

 -- {} {} test {-run make test}
 -- pkga {} test {-run make testaa}

Use common contents of the current command:

 -- pkga 0.1 test {{*}[-- pkga {}]}
 -- pkga 0.2 test {{*}[-- {} {}]}
 -- pkga 0.3 test {{*}[-- pkga 0.2]

or with a special command:

 -- pkga 0.2 test {-include pkga {}}
 -- pkga 0.2 test {eval [-get {} {}]aa}

Define a package:

 -- pkga 0.1 require {-use tcl-8.5}
 -- pkga 0.1 source {-link dira}
 -- pkga 0.1 make {-run make}
 -- pkga 0.1 install {-run make install}

or with the same effect:

 -- pkga 0.1 require {-exact tcl-8.5} source {-link dira}\
    make {-run make} install {-run make install}

Open issues

  • syntax of a new "default" command to define a default version for packages
 -- pkga {} default {{*}[-- pkga 0.2]}


 -- pkga {} default {0.2}
  • syntax of new "remove" (or "del" or whatever) command to remove previously defined package definitions.

Remove pkga version 0.1

 -- pkga 0.1 remove {}

Remove all pkga versions

 -- pkga {}  remove {}

Remove all packages

 -- {} {} remove {}
  • additional commands p.e. descripition, home, ..
  • allow use of unique abbreviations of commands

Remarks and suggestions?