Version 6 of kbs discussion

Updated 2009-08-07 12:47:27 by RZ

kbs means Tclkit Kitgen Build System, and refers to a script which can be used to download the source files necessary to build a tclkit-like single file tcl interpreter, which can then be used with sdx to create starkits and starpacks.

RZ under development:

  • get rid of dependency sources/kbskit*/kbskit.kbs

Solution is to include all data in kbs.tcl file

  • Include command to reuse existing definitions
 Package a1 {
  Source {Link x}
  Make {Run make}
  Install {Run make install}
 Package a2 {
  Include a1
  Source {Link y}
 # a2 has also Make and Install commands
 Package a {Include a2}
 # a is default with currently a2 
  • Allow overwriting and splitting of definitions
 Package a1 {Source {Link x}}
 Package a1 {Make {Run make}}
 Package a1 {Install {Run make install}}
 Package a1 {Source {Link x1}}

Open issues

  • syntax of new "remove" (or "del" or whatever) command to remove previously defined package definitions.

Workaround is currently:

 unset ::kbs::config::packages(<package>)
  • additional commands p.e. descripition, home, ..
  • allow use of unique abbreviations of commands

Remarks and suggestions?