PERSONAL INFO Jelena Kocić, Sex Female | Date of birth 01/01/1975 Mokranjčeva 80A/57, 18106 Niš (Serbia) , Skype kjelenak kocicjelena @gmail , EXPERIENCED ENGINEER, SKILLED IN PRODUCT AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT, PROFICIENT IN DESKTOP and MOBILE APPLICATIONS BUILDING, DEPLOYMENTS AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS,, Programm.Languages: Java 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8; Python 2.4, 2.7, 3.6, JS (es2015, es6), C, C++, Go Frameworks, libraries and APIs: Spring 2, 3, 4; Node; Django, Flask, Tornado, webop, Jinja2; Bootstrap; Angular 1&2; React, Sencha, auth and authorization API, geo API, Google API, API development, Google Docs Web Technologies: HTML, DHTML (including Java Script with libraries jquery, jquery-mobile, d3, c3, reveal, require, Backbone, Knockout, extJS, etc.), XML, JSON, Java Server Pages Web Services: HTML, DHTML, RSS, XML, SOAP, REST, AJAX, Java/python web service Databases: Oracle; SQL, MySql, Postegre, LiteSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, NoSQL Dev Environments: Eclipse IDE, Not less important: Shell, Command Prompt (for python, CLI with Java Script, and Spring, Apache Maven, Apache ant, Apache ivy) Build tools: python distribution and packaging, Grunt, Node, Grunt, Bower, gulp, npm, YO, SDK, Android SDK, Maven, Gradle, Microsoft (MS Visual Studio) Version Control Systems: cvs, svn, git, Mercurial (including Tortoise), Attlasian, Bazaar, Jira, Gitlab Continuous Integration: Spring, Travis, React, React-native Deployment Servers: Apache, TomCat, NGINX, wsgi, uwsgi, NodeJS, Docker, AWS, Google, Google SDK Development Java Messaging Service: JMS Spring, JMS Java EE 1.5 Profilers: Event based in python, Java and Java Script, Statistical profiling scripting Testing tools: Jasmine, profactor, karma, self-made tools Infrastructure: Information infrastructure, internet protocols mostly lately Modelling tools: Java, python and Java Script for applications, mathematical, IDEs Methodologies: software development, Agile and Scrum and features driven development; project management Operating Systems: Ubuntu, Windows Virtualization: Docker, Vagrant, AWS, Bitnami, Google, vpn scripted 1