Version 0 of klepsydra

Updated 2003-09-04 06:51:51

Arjen Markus (4 september 2003) I first thought of calling this page "An ancient time measuring device", but I thought it a bit too much. A klepsydra is, indeed, a clock that works (or rather worked) on water. The idea is that due to the form of the vessel that holds the water (a paraboloid) the water flows out at a constant rate. This allowed the ancient Egyptians to measure time in a rough but adequate way.

The script below draws such a device and updates the time every five minutes. It being a crude device, the scale does not allow more accuracy than, say, half an hour. And the vessel needs to be filled from time to time. In this case: at six o'clock in the morning.

The artwork can be improved, but it was fun to work on it :)

 # klepsydra.tcl --
 #    Draw an emptying klepsydra:
 #    - a paraboloid bowl filled with an orange fluid
 #    - a bucket underneath
 #    - on a gray table

 # createScene --
 #    Create the basic scene (a canvas of 500 pixels heigh and wide)
 # Arguments:
 #    None
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effects:
 #    The canvas is drawn with the table
 proc createScene { } {

    if { $::init } {
       set ::init 0
       canvas .cnv -width 500 -height 500 -bg white
       pack   .cnv -fill both

    # The table
    .cnv create polygon {30 490 420 490 470 410 80 410 30 490} \
       -fill gray -outline darkgray
    .cnv create polygon {30 490 420 490 420 500 30 500 30 490} \
       -fill gray -outline darkgray
    .cnv create polygon {420 490 470 410 470 500 420 500 420 490} \
       -fill gray -outline darkgray

    # The rest

    # Refresh after five minutes
    after [expr {5*60*1000}] {
       .cnv delete all

 # fillKlepsydra --
 #    Fill the klepsydra according to the time of day
 # Arguments:
 #    None
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effects:
 #    The paraboloid is drawn with an orange filling
 proc fillKlepsydra { } {

    set nosegments  32
    set totheight  320
    set bottom     [expr {40+$totheight}]
    set maxradius  100

    # Get the time (in hours)
    set tod [string trimleft [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H"] 0]
    if { $tod == "" } { set tod 0 }

    if { $tod < 6 } {
       set level 0
    } elseif { $tod > 22 } {
       set level $nosegments
    } else {
       set level [expr {int($nosegments*($tod-6)/16.0)}]

    for { set i 0 } { $i < $nosegments } { incr i } {
       set height     [expr {$totheight*(1.0-double($i)/$nosegments)}]
       set nextheight [expr {$totheight*(1.0-double($i+1)/$nosegments)}]
       set dh         [expr {2.0*$height/30.0}]
       set rad        [expr {$maxradius*sqrt($height/$totheight)}]
       set nextrad    [expr {$maxradius*sqrt($nextheight/$totheight)}]

       if { $i >= $level } {
          .cnv create polygon \
             [expr {250-$rad}]     [expr {$bottom-$height}] \
             [expr {250-$nextrad}] [expr {$bottom-$nextheight}] \
             [expr {250+$nextrad}] [expr {$bottom-$nextheight}] \
             [expr {250+$rad}]     [expr {$bottom-$height}] \
             [expr {250-$rad}]     [expr {$bottom-$height}] \
             -fill orange -outline orange
       if { $i == $level } {
          .cnv create oval  [expr {250-$rad}] [expr {$bottom-$height+$dh}] \
                            [expr {250+$rad}] [expr {$bottom-$height-$dh}] \
             -outline orange -fill orange
       .cnv create line [expr {250+$rad}]     [expr {$bottom-$height}] \
                        [expr {250+$nextrad}] [expr {$bottom-$nextheight}] \
          -tag klepsydra

       .cnv create line [expr {250-$rad}]     [expr {$bottom-$height}] \
                        [expr {250-$nextrad}] [expr {$bottom-$nextheight}] \
          -tag klepsydra
       .cnv create line [expr {250+$rad}]     [expr {$bottom-$height}] \
                        [expr {250+$nextrad}] [expr {$bottom-$nextheight}] \
          -tag klepsydra

       if { $i%2 == 0 } {
          if { $i > 0 } {
             .cnv create arc   [expr {250-$rad}] [expr {$bottom-$height+$dh}] \
                               [expr {250+$rad}] [expr {$bottom-$height-$dh}] \
                -start 180 -extent 180 \
                -outline black -tag klepsydra -style arc
             .cnv create arc   [expr {250-$rad}] [expr {$bottom-$height+$dh}] \
                               [expr {250+$rad}] [expr {$bottom-$height-$dh}] \
                -start 0 -extent 180 \
                -outline gray -tag klepsydra -style arc
          } else {
             .cnv create oval  [expr {250-$rad}] [expr {$bottom-$height+$dh}] \
                               [expr {250+$rad}] [expr {$bottom-$height-$dh}] \
                -outline black -tag klepsydra
          .cnv create text [expr {230-$rad}] [expr {$bottom-$height}] \
             -text "[expr {6+$i/2}]:00"
    .cnv create text [expr {230-$nextrad}] [expr {$bottom-$nextheight}] \
       -text "[expr {6+$nosegments/2}]:00"

    # The final touch: a thin jet of fluid ...
    if { $level < $nosegments } {
       .cnv create line 250 $bottom 250 450 -fill orange -width 2

    .cnv raise klepsydra

 # fillBucket --
 #    Fill the bucket appropriately
 # Arguments:
 #    None
 # Result:
 #    None
 # Side effects:
 #    The canvas is drawn with the table and the outlines of the
 #    bowl and bucket.
 proc fillBucket { } {
    # Get the time (in hours)
    set tod [string trimleft [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H"] 0]
    if { $tod == "" } { set tod 0 }

    if { $tod < 6 } {
       set level 0
    } elseif { $tod > 22 } {
       set level 45
    } else {
       set level [expr {int(45*($tod-6)/16.0)}]

    # The fluid
    .cnv create rectangle 100 450 400 [expr {450-$level}] \
        -fill orange -outline orange
    .cnv create oval {100 470 400 430} -fill orange
    .cnv create oval  100 [expr {450-$level+20}] \
                      400 [expr {450-$level-20}] \
        -fill orange -outline black

    # The bucket
    # Note: arc with coordList does not handle -extent 180!
    .cnv create line {100 450 100 405} -fill black -tag bucket
    .cnv create line {400 450 400 405} -fill black -tag bucket
    .cnv create arc   100 470 400 430  -start 180 -extent 180 \
        -tag bucket -outline black -style arc
    .cnv create arc   100 470 400 430  -start   0 -extent 180 \
        -tag bucket -outline darkgray -style arc
    .cnv create arc   100 425 400 385  -start  92 -extent 356 \
        -tag bucket -outline black -style arc

 # Main code
 set ::init 1

[ Category Graphics ]