Version 22 of knit

Updated 2015-03-15 01:11:13 by pooryorick

knit, by PYK, is another macro facility for Tcl


knit name arguments body
knead arguments body


The full implementation is below.

knit is also available as ycl::knit::knit, along with unit tests.


knit uses tailcall to provide some of the features that were problematic in earlier macro systems. Each macro is a procedure that fills out a template according to the arguments it receives, and then tailcalls the template.

knit takes an EIAS approach to macros, meaning that it does not try to discern the structure of the template it is filling in, and instead focuses on providing the necessary substitutions that allow a macro author to choose how subtitutions are made. It turns out that just a small number answer most needs.

All macro substitutions happen textually. They do not respect the syntactical flow flow of the Tcl script. It's the responsibility of the script author to make sure the macros produce a syntactically correct script.

The following template substitutions are provided:

For substituting in a value. The value of $var is substituted, properly escaped as a list
For substituting in a script fragment. The value of $var is substituted without escaping the value as a list. This is useful for example, to substitute a fragment of an expression into expr, or to substitute a few lines of code into a routine. Also useful for substituting in a command prefix.
This is simply for convenience, and is exactly equivalent to [set ${varname}]. In other words, the value ${varname} is the name of a variable, and it will be arranged for the value of that variable to be substituted at execution time. In the examples below, lpop2 does the same thing as lpop, but thanks to !{varname} is a little more concise.
^[macro_command ...]
Process the command macro and substitute the results into the script. This happens prior to the other substitutions so that any variable macros in the substituted text are processed as usual. One command macro is currently defined: map.

knead can be used to build a macro procedure specification without actually creating the macro procedure. knit is implemented as a trivial wrapper around knead. knead itself is useful for creating anonymous macros:

apply [knead x {expr {${x} * ${x}}}] 5

In contrast with Sugar, knit is more interleaved with the running interpreter, as Lisp macros are. Where Sugar attemps to parse a script and discern macros, knit inserts the macro code at runtime when the macro procedure is invoked. In order to do its expansions, Sugar must know, for example, that the first argument to while is evaluated as an expression. knit is oblivious to such things, allowing it to fit more naturally into a Tcl script. Since knit macros are themselves procedures, knit eschews the issue that {*} raises for Sugar, and in general automatically has the features of a procedure that the merely-procedure-like macros in Sugar have to work hard for. One example is default arguments and another is $argv handling. The tradeoff is that knit incurs some cost during runtime that Sugar does not, namely the cost of the tailcall.

Command Macros

map varname list command ?varname list command ...? script

Each list command is evaluated in the global namespace to produce a list. Each produced list must have the same length. Each item in each list is assigned to the corresponding varname, and substituted into the script using the variable substitution syntax described for knit. However, the values are substituted directly rather than as the indirect identity commands that knit and knead produce. This is useful for inlining commands or producing nearly redundant code from boilerplate, taking advantage of byte-compilation of procedures.

Example: automatically substituting boilerplate code


These examples show how the macros presented in Sugar, along with various other macros are implemented in knit

knit double x {expr {${x} * 2}}

knit exp2 x {* ${x} * ${x}}

knit charcount {x {char { }}} {
    regexp -all ***=${char} ${x}

knit clear arg1 {unset ${arg1}}

knit first list {lindex ${list} 0}

knit rest list {lrange ${list} 1 end}

knit last list {lindex ${list} end}

knit drop list {lrange ${list} 0 end-1}

knit K {x y} {
    first [list ${x} ${y}]

knit yank varname {
    K [set ${varname}] [set ${varname} {}] 

knit lremove {varname idx} {
    set ${varname} [lreplace [yank ${varname}] ${idx} ${idx}]

knit lpop listname {
    K [lindex [set ${listname}] end] [lremove ${listname} end] 

knit lpop2 listname {
    K [lindex !{listname} end] [lremove ${listname} end] 

foreach cmdname {* + - /} {
    knit $cmdname args "
        expr \[join \${args} [list $cmdname]]

knit sete {varname exp} {
    set ${varname} [expr {#{exp}}]

knit greeting? x {expr {${x} in {hello hi}}}

knit until {expr body} {
    while {!(#{expr})} ${body}

knit ?: {cond val1 val2} {
    if {#{cond}} {lindex ${val1}} else {lindex ${val2}}

knit finally {init finally do} {
    try ${do} finally ${finally}

Example: Avoid a Conditional Branch in a Loop

Sometimes only one or two steps of a routine branch based on some condition. It can be annoying when one of those steps is in a loop, and the condition must be tested on each iteration even though the values affecting the outcome are known prior to entering the loop:

proc files {arg1 arg2 arg3} {
    ## step 1

    #step 2
    if {$arg1} {
        #do something
    } else {
        #do something else

    foreach file $files {
        #step 3

        #step 4
        if {$arg1} {
            #do something else
        } else {
            #do something else
        #step 5
    #step 6
    #return some result

In this situation, knit could be used like this:

proc files {arg1 arg2 arg3} {
    ## step 1

    if {some condition} {
        #step 2
    } else {
        #alternate step 2

    if {some condition}
        files_for {
            #the script for step 4 
    else {
        files_for {
            #the alternate for step 4 

    #step 6
    return files

knit files_for script {
    foreach file $files {
        #step 3

        #step 4 is a macro

        #step 5

Or, if the conditions can be determined from just the parameters to the procedure, multiple variants of the procedure can be generated from a template, and the selector moved to the caller:

knit files_macro {name script1 script2} {
    proc ${name} {arg1 arg2 arg3} {
        ## step 1

        #step 2 is a macro

        foreach file $files {
            #step 3

            #step 4 is a macro

            #step 5
        #step 6
        return files

files_macro files1 {
} {

files_macro files2 {
} {

if {$arg1} {
    files1 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3
} else {
    files2 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3

See Also

macro tests from Peter Spjuth