''25 Oct 05'', SF project has disapeared, I have source code if anyone wants it -[pwq]. An application which analyzes the bytecode for a tcl procedure and then generates an equivalent command written in the [C language], for better speed. It is available on [SourceForge], see http://sourceforge.net/projects/kt2c/ (page not found Sept 28, 2011) Authored by [David Cuthbert]. ----- '''[PWQ] 30 Jan 04''' The current version does not compile with gcc 8.3.2 and tcl8.4, this is because TclGetInstructionTable() returns void * and needs to be cast to InstructionDesc *. Also kt2c does not handle some of the new bytecode instructions. Anyone know how much of a speed increase this gives (if any), the source code looks bloated for small procedures. I do not know if this is per function or per application. [LV] Is this a reference to ftp://www.tcl.tk/pub/tcl/nightly-cvs/kt2c-20020218.tar.gz ? <> Application | Dev. Tools | Internals