# let.tcl # Copyright 2001 by Larry Smith # Wild Open Source, Inc # For license terms see "COPYING" # # let is a replacement for the "set" command. It allows # multiple assignment, and supports a variety of assignment # operators: # # let a b c = 1 ;# this sets a b and c to 1 # let a b c = 1 + 4 ;# "=" uses expr to process the value to assign # let a b c += 1 ;# computed assignments allowed, +-*/&| supported # let a b c := info commands ;# uses eval to process value # let a b c @= 1 2 3;# "hoisting" assignment, foreach replacement # let a b c @:= info commands;# uses eval and hoists for assignment # let a ++ ;# incr and # let a -- ;# decr are supported. proc let { args } { if { [llength $args ] == 2 } { if [string equal [ lindex $args 1 ] "++" ] { set result [ uplevel incr [ lindex $args 0 ] ] } elseif [string equal [ lindex $args 1 ] "--" ] { set result [ uplevel incr [ lindex $args 0 ] -1 ] } else { set result [ uplevel set "$args" ] } } else { regexp {([^=:+\-*/&|@]*)([:+\-*/&|@]?)([@]*)=(.*)} $args -> vars op optional rest if ![ info exists op ] { return -code error -errorcode 1 "no valid assignment operator in $args" } switch -- $op { : { if [llength [info commands [lindex $rest 0]]] { set result [uplevel $rest] } else { set result $rest ;# this should always work... } if { "$optional" == "@" } { set max [ llength $result ] foreach var $vars res $result { uplevel 1 [ list set $var $res ] } } else { foreach var $vars { set result [ uplevel set $var \"$result\" ] } } } @ { if { "$optional" == ":" } { set rest [uplevel $rest] } set max [ llength $rest ] if { $max == 1 } { eval set rest $rest set max [ llength $rest ] } foreach var $vars res $rest { set result [ uplevel 1 [ list set $var $res ]] } } + - - - * - / - & - | { foreach var $vars { set result [ uplevel set $var \[ expr \$$var $op ( $rest ) \] ] } } = - default { if { [ catch { set result [ uplevel expr $rest ] } ] } { set result $rest ;# this should always work... } foreach var $vars { set result [ uplevel set $var \"$result\" ] } } } } return $result } ---- ''[DKF] -'' I'd prefer it if stand-alone '''=''' was not used, but rather always working with ''':=''' instead. That's proved to work fairly well. And automagic passing of stuff through [eval] is not necessary; better to get people to say what they mean IMHO. ---- Recently someone on comp.lang.tcl asked about the use of the word ''hoisting'' above. What is its meaning in this context? ---- What is the expected output of let a b c @:= info commands;# uses eval and hoists for assignment What I am seeing, with the above code, is that nothing whatsoever is being done. ---- [Category Command]