'''[http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TclCmd/list.htm%|%list]''', a [Tcl Commands%|%built-in] command, creates a list. ** Synopsis ** : '''list''' ?''arg arg ...''? : '''list''' ?''arg arg ...''? Returns a list whose elements are the given ''arg'' values (in the same order). [http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TclCmd/list.htm%|%man page]: [http://core.tcl.tk/tcl/artifact?filename=generic/tclUtil.c&ci=trunk%|%generic/tclUtil.c]: documentation of the list format [tip%|%Tip] [http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/407%|%407], The String Representation of Tcl Lists: the Gory Details: [tip] [http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/407%|%407]: [tip%|%Tip] [http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/148.html%|%148], Correct [[list]]-Quoting of the '#' Character: [tip] [http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/148.html%|%Tip 148]: ** See Also: ** [Tcl Quoting]: [Is everything a list?]: [Additional list functions]: [Unique Element List]: [Sorted Lists]: [Concatenating lists]: [Listex]: [list level]: [Chart of existing list functionality]: [another list comprehension]: [Binary trees]: [Decision trees]: [Bit vectors]: can nicely be implemented with lists [Chart of proposed list functionality]: [Internal organization of the list extension]: [Complex data structures] for [struct]: named access to list positions [Counting Elements in a List]: [Finding a sublist]: [pure list]: A Tcl value for which no string representation has been generated, but for which an internal structured representation has. [ldiff]: [Scripted List]: write a list using command and variable substitution, without having to escape the newline between the words, and with the ability to make comments in between words of the list and comment out some words of the list [lexpr]: [cmdSplit%|%scriptSplit]: split a command into its logical words, taking possible command substitution into account [keyed list]: [Power set of a list]: [pure list]: [Showing sublists]: in a listbox [Shuffle a list]: [Shuffle a list: graph results]: [Shuffling a list]: [Stacks and queues]: [Striding a list]: [Summing a list]: [Use while to iterate over a list]: [Using expr on lists]: [lshift -Adding Unique Items to Lists of Fixed Length]: [Recursive list searching]: [listcomp -Compare the Contents of two Lists]: [Depth of a list]: [list map and list grep]: [set operations for Tcl lists]: [List Comprehension]: [linked lists]: [Cartesian product of a list of lists]: [list stripping]: [Tcl syntax]: [lpop]: ** Standard List Operations ** ** List Syntax ** Syntactically, a list is a sequence of words, as defined by the [Dodekalogue], except that newlines are treated as regular whitespace, rather than as command terminators. Looking at it from the inverse persepctive, a Tcl [script] is a well-formed list in which newlines in word delimiters are additionally interpreted as command separators. If you're wondering whether the list you've attempted to construct manually is well-formed, make sure it looks like a valid [Dodekalogue%|%command]. The body of a [proc], being a Tcl script, is in fact a well-formed list, although this is not checked when the proc is created, but when it is invoked. The following [Dodekalogue%|%rules%|%] do '''not''' apply to a list which is not interpreted as a script: * commands * Argument expansion * variable substitution * command substitution * Comments '''append''': `[lappend]` and `[lset]` This command returns a string formatted as a [Tcl] list, where each list [element] corresponds to each ''arg'', or an empty string if no args are specified. A '''list''' is an ''ordered [tuple] of values''. In other languages this is sometimes known as an ''array'' or ''vector''. `[list]` and related commands sometimes known as an ''array'' or ''vector''. Every list has a '''length''', which is an integer >=0, and `[llength]` returns the length of the list. In contrast with other languages, a Tcl list is not a [data structure], but a To retrieve the element at a particular position, one uses the [lindex] command. The first element is at position 0. New lists can be constructed using the `list`. Values can be added to a list using `[lappend]`, prepended to the list with `[linsert]`, and modified or deleted using `[lreplace]`. A list is a string, and can be used wherever strings are used: as an argument to [puts], a key in an [array] or [dict], the value of and [entry] widget, etc, or as an argument to [eval]. All Tcl lists are strings, but not all strings are valid lists. The various list functions expect their arguments to be properly formated. See below for examples of strings which are not valid lists. A [script] that contains no [script substitution%|%command substitutions] is a valid list composed of all the words of all the commands in the One of the keys to succesfully working with lists in Tcl is to understand that although braces ('''{''') are often used to delimit individual items in lists, braces do mean "list" - they are simply an escaping mechanism for some of Tcl's special characters, e.g., whitespace. As [DGP] put it, "Don't imagine that braces have magic list-ifying powers." When [Tcl rules] are stripped of those parts that refer to the operational aspects of command evaluation, they also serve to specify Many simple strings are also lists: '''Evaluation''': Command evaluation is not performed. Evaluation of a list consists only of breaking the commands into words. Each [word] encodes an element of the list. The first word, which is the command name in script evaluation, is simply the first value in the list. % llength {set b [list $one "$two $three"]} llength hello ;# -> 1 The `]` at the end of the command is a violation of the Some strings, however, are '''not''' lists: ====== % llength {set b [list $one "$two $three" ]} string is list \" ;# -> 0 string is list \{ ;# -> 0 string is list \{}a ;# -> 0 string is list {{a b} {c}]} ;# -> 0 string is list "ab{ {x y" ;# -> 0 Notice that although it is logically a three-word command, because of In the previous two examples, the values aren't lists because they violate [Dodekalogue%|%the '''Braces''' and '''words''' rules], which state that a braced word is terminated by a matching closed brace, and that words are separated by whitespace ====== % set list [list] set list [list] llength $list ;# -> 0 % set list {} set list {} llength $list ;# -> 0 % set list "" set list "" llength $list ;# -> 0 A string containing nothing but whitespace is also an empty list: ====== % set list { } set list { } llength $list ;# -> 0 % set list \n set list \n llength $list ;# -> 0 set list \t\n\t llength $list ;# -> 0 ====== A string that contains no whitespace is often, but not always a list (containing one word): A string that contains no whitespace is often, but not always a list with one item: ====== % set list hello set list hello llength $list ;# -> 1 % set list he\{llo set notalist \{hello llength $list ;# -> unmatched open brace in list The following is a list that contains one word, which is an empty string: The following is a list that contains one element, which is an empty string: ====== % set list {{}} set list {{}} ====== set list [list {}] llength $list ;# -> 1 Whitespace separates words in a list: Whitespace separates items in a list: ====== % set list {1 2} set list "1 2" llength $list ;# -> 2 % set list "1 2" set list {1 2} llength $list ;# -> 2 Here is a list that contains two words, both of which are empty strings: Here is a list that contains two elements, both of which are empty strings: ====== % set list {{} {}} set list {{} {}} llength $list ;# -> 2 List commands parse strings into lists in much the same way that Tcl parses List commands parse strings into lists in much the same way Tcl parses strings into commands. In the following example, `[llength]` parses the string into a list, interpreting the backlash-space combination as whitepace: ====== % set list {1 \ 2} set list {1 \ 2} llength $list ;# -> 2 It is very common, and perfectly acceptable, to use braces instead of `list` when writing a list: ====== % set list {one two three} set list {one two three} llength $list ;# -> 3 But in Tcl, braces are simply a means of escaping whitespace and other special characters in strings. They are a nice way to write out lists, but Tcl itself doesn't equate braces with lists. Any quoting can be used to make a doesn't euqate braces with lists. Any quoting can be used to make a that is the same well-formed list: that is a well-formed list: ====== % set list "one two three" set list "one two three" llength $list ;# -> 3 % set list one\ two\ three set list one\ two\ three llength $list ;# -> 3 % set list one\x20two\x20three set list one\x20two\x20three llength $list ;# -> 3 % set list one\ttwo\tthree\t set list one\ttwo\tthree\t llength $list ;# -> 3 #... and on and on ... ====== When formatting a list as a string, `list` will escape values where necessary: ====== % list \n\{ list \n\{ ;# -> \n\{ ** Strings that Are Not Lists ** In source code, braces are often used to write lists. One example is the arguments to `[proc]`: ====== proc move {element speed args} ... proc move {item speed args} ... It would be a bit awkward, and a bit slower, to use `list` for that: ====== proc move [list element speed args] ... proc move [list item speed args] ... Likewise, literal braced strings are used with `[switch]` (in the braced patterns-and-bodies form), and `[string map]` (the map is a list). These braced strings are usually not a problem, but you may need to think about list formatting when special characters (backslash, braces, whitespace, quotes) are braced strings are usually not a problem, but you may need to think about the list syntax when special characters (backslash, braces, whitespace, quotes) are involved. Sometimes, an extra layer of braces are required around a list element, but if it is unbalanced with respect to braces then you may need to Braces are also used to escape the body of a `[proc]`, but in that case, the body is not parsed as a list, but as a script (unescaped newlines take on special meaning): ====== proc myproc {} { this this is not parsed as a list, but as a script ====== ** Generating Code ** Tcl is a dynamic language which allows for the construction of Tcl scripts at runtime. Since each command is a list, and a script is a sequence of lists, runtime. Since each command is a list, list operations are often used in this context. When substituting some piece of information into the dynamically-generated script, it is usually necessary to subtitute in a list, even if the context requires a single value. [string map] is can be used for this purpose. ---- [KBK] writes on comp.lang.tcl (with some modifications): [KBK] writes on comp.lang.tcl: If a string has been built up using the list commands, for instance `[list]` and If a string has been built up using the list commands, for instance [list] and [lappend], then it is always well-formed as a command. The first element of the list (element number zero) will be the command name and the remaining elements will be what the command sees as its parameters. This method, in desired parameters when one or more of the parameters contains user-supplied data, possibly including nasties like backslashes or unbalanced braces. In particular, using double-quotes and the string commands such as `[append]` In particular, using double-quotes and the string commands such as [append] is NOT safe for constructing command strings with arbitrary data. Moreover, `[eval]` and its friends give you special support for the technique Moreover, [eval] and its friends give you special support for the technique of using lists as commands. If a command being evaluated is a "pure" list, that is, one that was constructed using the list commands and has never acquired a string representation, then the evaluator is able to short-circuit the parsing process, knowing that all arguments have been substituted. It doesn't need to do the (fairly expensive) scan for $- []- and \- substitution, nor balance "" and {}, but can go directly to looking up the command name and invoking it. ** Using List to Concatenate Lists ** `list` can be used with [{*}] to the same effect as `[concat]`: ====== set a {a b c}; set b {d e f} list $a $b ;# -> {a b c} {d e f} concat $a $b ;# -> a b c d e f list {*}$a {*}$b ;# -> a b c d e f ====== See [Concatenating lists] for a timing comparison of the various methods. ** Concatenating Lists ** The following three methods for concatenating list are roughly equivalent in performance: ====== set list hello concat $list $list list {*}$list {*}$list lappend list {*}$list ====== The difference is that `[concat]` does not make sure its arguments are valid lists, and `[lappend]` modifies `$list` lists, and `[lappend]` modifies ''$list'' Before the advent of the [{*}] operator, the following syntax was used: ====== eval [list lappend baseList] $extraList ====== ** Newline-delimited Lists ** When writing a list of lists to a file, it's useful to represent it using the newline character to separate the words of the lists. Here's how to do that: newline character to separate the words of the lists. Here's how to do tha: ====== foreach list $tosave { puts $chan \{ puts $chan \{ foreach item $list { puts $chan [list $item]\n } puts $chan \} puts $chan {} ====== The result is a list of lists, having the same length as `$tosave`. The result is a list of lists, having the same length as `$tosave`. Using `[lindex]` is just a way to "return" the full value, and could be replaced by `return -level 0`. Internally, Tcl tracks the structure of the list, and the various list commands take advantage of this to improve performance to O(1) time (access time does not depend on the total list length or position within the list). A string representation of a list is not made until is is needed. Therefore, representation of a list is not made until is is needed. Therefore, performing `[string]` operaions on a large list can incur a dramatic performance penalty, if a string representation has to be generated. The rule of of thumb is to use list-aware commands for lists, and avoid string commands. `[concat]` is a string operation, but is smart enough not to incur the penalty if all its arguments are pure lists. The internal representation of a list should be transparent at the script level, but for the curious: In the [C] implementation of Tcl 8.x, a list is a type of [Tcl_Obj], The elements of a list are stored as C-style vectors of pointers to the individual elements of a list are stored as C-style vectors of pointers to the individual [Tcl_Obj] element values, plus some extra data. The consequence of this is as fast for large lists as they are for small lists. ** `[concat]` ** ** List Operations ** The list commands in Tcl are for the most part the commands that begin with '''l''' (except for `[load]`): `[join]`: `[lappend]`: `[concat]` also operates on lists, but does not require that its arguments `[lassign]`: `[lindex]`: `[linsert]`: `[list]`: `[llength]`: `[lrange]`: `[lrepeat]`: `[lreplace]`: `[lreverse]`: `[lsearch]`: `[lset]`: `[lsort]`: `[split]`: `[string is list]`: be valid lists. `[foreach]` operates on lists. `[split]` creates lists, and `[join]` consumes them. Various other commands also make use of lists. Since all values, including lists, [EIAS%|%are strings] (but not all strings are lists!), it is possible to use `[string]` commands on Since all values, including lists, are strings at the Tcl scripting level in Tcl (but not all strings are lists!), it is possible to use string commands on accomplish the task. In some common cases, Tcl is smart enough to do the right thing. For example, doing a string comparision between a list and the empty string is perfectly acceptable, and just as performant as the `[llength]` variant: accomplish the task. Perhaps the most common example of such a mistake is to compare a list to the empty string to see if it is empty: ====== proc foo {bar args} { #example of bad coding practice if {$args eq {}} then { #string comparison might force internal Tcl gyrations set args $::foo::default_for_args } # ... } ====== The `[llength]` variant: The better way is to use `[llength]`: ====== proc foo {bar args} { if {[llength $args] == 0} then { # $args is empty if {![llength $args]} then { # $args is empty } # ... } ====== ** Layers of Interpretation ** ** Strings that are not Lists ** Because lists are so pervasive in Tcl, one of the common beginner misconceptions is that all values are lists. This is not the case. A string is not a list if literal (unescaped) `{` and `}` characters are not balanced. To check whether a string is a list: ====== string is list $somevariable ====== ====== catch {llength $somevariable} ====== When doing experiments to understand lists, it is a good idea to first assign the values in question to variables before operating on them, since it is hard to keep track of which quoting is interpreted when the command is parsed and which is parsed by the command being invoked. This makes it possible to first inspect the value of the string before passing it to a command: ====== set somevariable ====== In the following example, the value of `a_single_backslash` is a single backslash: ====== set a_single_backslash [lindex \\\\ 0] ====== prior to evaluating the lindex command, Tcl performs backslash substitution on the four backslashes, so that the first argument becomes two backslashes. To convert the first argument to a list, the `[lindex]` command then performs backslash on substitution on the two backslashes, resulting in one backslash, which is then assigned to `a_single_backslash`. which is then assigned to `a`. ** Converting a String to a List ** `[split]` takes a string and returns a list, but the best choice depends on the task at hand. `[regexp]` is often handy: ====== set wordList [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $myGnarlyString] ====== [DKF] proposed this pretty alias: ** Creating a List from Arbitrary Input ** ====== interp alias {} listify {} regexp -all -inline {\S+} ====== [Bill Paulson] notes that this alias changes all white space to a single space, which might or might not be what you want. Other than that, this '''listify''' is effectively a `[split]` that interprets adjacent delimiters as as a single delimiter rather than interpreting them as delimiting an empty string, like `[split]` does. Other than that, this '''listify''' is effectively a `[split]` that throws away all empty elements. (2014-09-08): this can also be used to duplicate words in a list: ====== Various ways to check whether a string is a list: ====== string is list $some_value catch {lindex $some_value 0} catch {llength $some_value} ====== In later versions of Tcl, [string is list] is available. ** List Vs. List of Lists ** [escargo] 2003-03-16: How can you tell if a value is a string of words '''or''' a list of strings of words? The practical application that I had for this was an error-printing proc. It could be passed a value that might be a single error message or a list of error messages. If it were a single error message, then I could print it on one line; if it were multiple messages, then I wanted to print each on its own line. So, how could I distinguish between the cases? I think I eventually made all sources of errors provide a list of errors, even if was always a list of 1 (instead of just the error message string). But the question always stuck with me? Was there a way I could have easily distinguished between the two? Could I look at the representation and see an opening curly brace if it were a list? [RS]: The (outer) curlies are not part of the list - they are added, or parsed away, when needed. Tcl [list]s are not fundamentally different from strings, rather, I'd say they are a "view" on strings. Just as `42` can be viewed as string, or integer, it can also be viewed as a one-word list. Except if you introduce your own can also be viewed as a one-element list. Except if you introduce your own string - in the other direction, only strings that cannot be parsed as lists (unbalanced braces, quotes..) cannot be viewed as lists. But for your concrete error-printing problem: if you simplify the interface to "a list of one or more error messages", you can have the desired effect with ====== puts [join $errormessages \n] ====== Just make sure that the "one message" case is properly nested, e.g. ====== errorprint {{This is a one-liner}} errorprint "{This too, with a $variable reference}" ;# braces in quoted strings allow substitution errorprint [list "another $variable reference"] errorprint {{Two messages:} {This is the second}} ====== ** Single-word Lists vs non-list value ** ** Single-item Lists vs non-list value ** Many simple string values can also be interpreted as single-word lists. Many simple string values can also be interpreted as single-element lists. a value should be interpreted as a list or a string. Here is another way of looking at the problem (`[lindex]` without an index returns the list argument unchanged): ====== % lindex a a % lindex a 0 a % lindex [lindex a 0] 0 a % lindex [lindex [lindex a 0] 0] 0 a % lindex {a} a % lindex {a} 0 a % lindex [lindex {a} 0] 0 a % lindex [lindex [lindex {a} 0] 0] 0 a % lindex {{a}} {a} % lindex {{a}} 0 a % lindex [lindex {{a}} 0] 0 a % lindex [lindex [lindex {{a}} 0] 0] 0 a % lindex {{{a}}} {{a}} % lindex {{{a}}} 0 {a} % lindex [lindex {{{a}}} 0] 0 a % lindex [lindex [lindex {{{a}}} 0] 0] 0 a ====== No program can tell the difference between the string "a" and the one-word No program can tell the difference between the string "a" and the one-element list "a", because the one-element list "a" ''is'' the string "a". [Dossy] 2004-02-26: A co-worker yesterday who is new to Tcl discovered something that surprised me -- [nested list]s in Tcl don't work as I expected in a very specific case: ====== % list [list [list x]] x ====== Um, when I ask for a list of a list of a list with the single word 'x', I Um, when I ask for a list of a list of a list with the single element 'x', I it, I understand why, but it means that Tcl lists alone cannot be used to represent ALL kinds of data structures, as Tcl lists magically collapse when it's a series of nested lists with the terminal list having only a single bare word that requires no escaping. bareword element that requires no escaping. [Lars H]: It looks worse than it is. For one thing, it is only the string representation that collapses, not the internal representation, so the above nesting of `list` is not completely pointless. It is furthermore very uncommon (and this is ''not'' specific to Tcl) that nesting depth alone has a significance. Either you know the structure of the value, and thereby the intended nesting depth, or the list is some generic "thing", and in that case you anyway need a label specifying what kind of thing it is. [DBaylor]: I think this is actually worse than it looks. I see lots of people trying to learn Tcl and the #1 point of confusion is Dossy's example. But what I really dislike about this behavior is that it hides bugs until specific input is encountered. If you ever mix up your data-types (string vs. list), your code will work fine 99% of the time - until special characters are involved. These bugs are inevitably found the hard way. Oh how I wish `[list] x` These bugs are inevitably found the hard way. Oh how I wish `[list] x]` [PYK] 2013-10-27: What would `[lindex] x 0` return, then? An error that `x` is not a list? All commands are lists (after adjusting for [Dodekalogue%|%command substitution]), and `x` is potentially a valid command. is not a list? All commands are lists, and `x` is potentially a valid command. little time for beginners to wrap their heads around, but this subtlety is Tcl's strength, not its weakness. The gripe about hiding bugs until specific inputs are encountered is a gripe about dynamic languages in general, and not particular at all to Tcl. ** Subsetting a List ** [LV] Question: in [Perl], [Python], and a number of other languages, one has the ability to read and write to subsets of a list -- ''slices'' -- using an almost array like notation. Is this something that one could simulate without much grief in Tcl? [RS]: But of course - our old friends (with wordier notation) ====== set slice [lrange $list $from $to] set newlist [eval lreplace [list $otherlist] $from $to $slice] ====== `[lset]` can only replace a single element, but possibly several layers deep `[lset]` can only replace a single element, but possibly several layers deep for how the following is implemented: ====== set i [$ {a b c d e f g} 2 4] ==> {c d e} ====== ** Flattening a List ** To flatten a list: ====== concat {*}$nested ====== It can be applied multiple times: ====== proc flatten data { proc flatten {data} { } set a {{a {b c}} {d {e f}}} ; # {a {b c}} {d {e f}} flatten $a ; # a {b c} d {e f} flatten [flatten $a] ; # a b c d e f ====== alternatively: ====== set flattened [join $mylist] ====== Another possibility: ====== foreach e $list { foreach ee $e { lappend flatList $ee } } ====== `[eval]` is not a good option because it chokes on newlines: ====== % eval concat {a b} ambiguous command name "b": binary break ====== The newline in the argument ends `[concat]` and starts a new command. This is Newlines in the arguments end the concat command, and start a new one. This is of `[eval]`. of `[eval]`. If you don't want to worry about typing multiline commands at the prompt, then use substitution to put the newline in there: To get around that issue, first pass the value through a command that parses strings into valid lists: ====== eval concat [lrange {a b } 0 end] ====== [RS] 2004-02-26: If you really want to flatten a list of any depth, i.e. remove all grouping, I think this way is simplest (and robust): ====== proc flatten list { string map {\{ "" \} ""} $list } % flatten {a {b {c d {e f {g h}}}}} a b c d e f g h ====== [Lars H]: No, that won't work. Consider ====== % flatten [list \{ \}] \ \ ====== I'd give you that it isn't exactly clear what should happen to lists with such words, but the above doesn't get a single character right. elements, but the above doesn't get a single character right. [RS] admits he was thinking of well-behaved lists (as built with `[list]` and `[lappend]`, where braces are only generated mark-up, not content :^) You're right to point out that ''flatten'' is not chimpanzee-proof, and robust, enough. [cyrilroux] 2010-10-28: Maybe here is the solution to solve the escape issue? This always consist in replacing all { and } but NOT \{ and \} (escaped ones). That is to say 6 cases: That is to say 6 cases : "^{" " {" "{{+" "}$" "} " "}}+" ====== proc lflatten list { proc lflatten { list } { return $flatten } % set foo {{a {b c}} {d\{d\{ {e f} g}} % lflatten $foo a b c d{d{ e f g ====== [CMP]: In general, string manipulation on lists all have the same problem; they do not consider the list structure (unless copying the complete implementation of the existing list commands). Hence, all list manipulations should be done using existing list commands. ** Information about struct::list - extended list operations ** [Tcllib] now contains a [struct::list] module. Its documentation can be found at http://tcllib.sourceforge.net/doc/struct_list.html. [dgp] offers this example of making use of it: ====== % package require struct 1.3 1.3 % namespace eval my { namespace import ::struct::list set l [::list 1 2 3] puts [list reverse $l] } 3 2 1 ====== More explanation… In the above example, is the use of ''::list'' in the set command vs ''list'' in the [puts] command merely an example of different ways of referring to portions, or does one refer to the original tcl list versus the imported new list command? [MG] I believe ''::list'' in the above refers to the Tcl list command, and ''list'' refers to the imported ''::struct::list'' (which is then also ''::my::list'', as it's imported). Or at least I think that's right. Namespaces used like that require a lot more sleep than I've had lately ;) ** What would a Tcl version of the list command look like? ** [AMG]: Is this an acceptable implementation of `list`? ====== proc list args { proc list {args} { } ====== Looks right to me... [RS]: To me too. That's because ''args'' is already a list, as by the Tcl parser... I'd just write ====== proc list args {set args} ====== [AMG]: Chuckle. ====== proc list args [list set args] ====== ** Transform a list into a list of fixed size lists ** [LV]: in response to a question, Jonathan Bromley, 2008-05-30, [comp.lang.tcl], wrote the following Tcl proc for turning a long list into a list of lists: ====== proc split_list {L {n 50}} { incr n 0; # thanks to RS for this cool "is it an int" check! set result {} set limit [expr {[llength $L] - $n}] for {set p 0} {$p <= $limit} {incr p $n} { lappend result [lrange $L $p [expr {$p+$n-1}]] } return $result } ====== [arg]: Just the code I wanted (needed to split results from SQLite). Thanks. But can I suggest a few tweaks:- 1. name changed to "partitionlist", I think it's less ambiguous than "split_list". Any ideas for a better name? 2. change default from 50 to 2, splitting into pairs looks a more useful default. 3. change setting/comparing "limit" so that all the elements of the original list are copied, the original version acted as if the original list were truncated to a multiple of the requested sublist length. This version will output any "extra" elements as another short sublist. 3. change setting/comparing "limit" so that all the elements of the original list are copied, the original version acted as if the orignal list were truncated to a multiple of the requested sublist length. This version will output any "extra" elements as another short sublist. ====== proc partitionlist {L {n 2}} { incr n 0; # thanks to RS for this cool "is it an int" check! set result {} set limit [llength $L] for {set p 0} {$p < $limit} {incr p $n} { lappend result [lrange $L $p [expr {$p+$n-1}]] } return $result } ====== [Lars H]: If the partitioned list is then immediately going to be iterated over, it may of course be easier to take advantage of the fact that the variable arguments of [foreach] are really lists of variables. I.e., instead of ====== foreach row [partitionlist $data 3] { lassign $row first second third # Further processing... } ====== one can just do ====== foreach {first second third} $data { # Further processing... } ====== Conversely, this can be used for the following [braintwisters]' implementation of '''partitionlist''': ====== proc partitionlist {L {n 2}} { set varlist {} set body {lappend res [list} for {} {$n>0} {incr n -1} { lappend varlist $n append body { $} $n } set res {} foreach $varlist $L [append body \]] return $res } ====== ---- ** Other uses of `[list]` ** Some Tcl core commands require lists as argument or return lists [AMG]: When given no arguments, `[list]` returns empty string. I find this `[apply]`: `[array]`: `[binary]`: `[chan]`: `[dde]`: `[dict]`: `[oo::define]`: `[oo::next]`: `[encoding]`: `[exec]`: `[fconfigure]`: `[file]`: `[glob]`: `[http]`: `[htt]`: `[info]`: `[interp]`: `[library]`: `[msgcat]`: `[namespace]`: `[open]`: `[package]`: `[packagens]`: `[pid]`: `[pkgMkIndex]`: `[platform]`: `[proc]`: `[read]`: `[oo::refchan]`: `[regexp]`: `[registry]`: `[return]`: `[safe]`: `[scan]`: `[oo::self]`: `[socket]`: `[switch]`: `[tcltest]`: `[tm]`: `[trace]`: ** Page Authors ** ** Other uses of `[list]` ** [DKF]: [AMG]: When given no arguments, `[list]` returns empty string. I find this useful when entering Tcl commands interactively, e.g. into [tkcon] or [tclsh]. When I know that a command will produce a lot of output, such as `[read]`'ing a whole file, and I don't want to have it all on my screen, I tack "; list" onto the end of my command line. [PYK]: ====== $ tclsh % set chan [open bigfile] file12dcd00 % set data [read $chan]; list % close $chan ====== If not for the `; list`, the second line would flood my terminal with lots and lots of garbage. [AMG]: Another use for list is to pass it a single argument which it will then return. For an example, see SCT & [RS]'s comments on the page for `[if]`. However, this works due to the "problem" noted above by [Dossy] 2004-02-26. Often the argument requires quoting to become a single-element list, in which case list will ''not'' return its argument verbatim. On the `[return]` page I discuss a few other, safer approaches. The simplest one is to instead use single-argument `[lindex]`. ** References **