I have 3 display ports: HDMI, DVI, DisplayPort. They switch names slighty based on when they are 'discovered' at boot. This fixes that problem, but only if you have HDMI, DVI, DisplayPort .. or edit to accomodate. this requires you have a aRandr config or manually generated xRandr command line saved in a text file at ~/.screenlayout/mRandr.sh [marcDouglas] ====== #! /usr/bin/env tclsh puts "Welcome to mRandr" namespace eval mRandrConfig { variable configDir variable configFile variable devices set configDir ~/.screenlayout/ set configFile mRandr.sh set devices [list] proc readConfig { } { variable configDir variable configFile file mkdir $configDir set configFilePath [file join $configDir $configFile] puts "reading in $configFilePath..." if {[catch {open $configFilePath r} data]} { puts "Error readoing config file. \[$configFilePath\]" } while { [gets $data line] >= 0 } { if { [string first xrandr $line] == 0} { set xrandrLine $line } } while {[set outLocation [string first --output $xrandrLine]] >= 0} { set xrandrLine [string range $xrandrLine $outLocation+9 end] if {[set outLocation [string first --output $xrandrLine]] >= 0} { set tempDevice [string range $xrandrLine 0 $outLocation-2] processDevice $tempDevice set xrandrLine [string range $xrandrLine $outLocation-1 end] } else { processDevice $xrandrLine } } } proc processDevice { line } { variable devices set outLocation2 [string first " " $line] set tempDevice [string range $line 0 $outLocation2-1] set tempConfig [string range $line $outLocation2+1 end] if {[set outLocation [string first --off $line]] < 0} { lappend devices $tempDevice $tempConfig } } proc devices { } { variable devices return $devices } } namespace eval mRandr { variable devices variable configOptions set configOptions(DisplayPortXOptions) "" set configOptions(HDMIXOptions) "" set configOptions(DVIXOptions) "" proc processConfig { configDevices } { set i 0 foreach {device config} $configDevices { puts "device\[$i\]: $device" puts "config\[$i\]: $config" setDisplayVars $device $config incr i } } proc run_xRandr { } { variable devices variable configOptions puts -nonewline "Checking xrandr... " if {[catch {set xresults [exec xrandr]} fid]} { puts stderr "xrandr error: $fid" exit 1 } else { puts "success." } set xresults [split $xresults "\n"] set devices "" foreach line $xresults { set sourceScan [scan $line {%s %s}] if {[lindex $sourceScan 1] == "connected"} { append devices "[configureLine [lindex $sourceScan 0]] " puts "Found [lindex $sourceScan 0]" } elseif {[lindex $sourceScan 1] == "disconnected"} { append devices "--output [lindex $sourceScan 0] --off " } } } proc configureLine { line } { variable configOptions switch -glob -- $line { "DisplayPort*" {set configLine [subst $configOptions(DisplayPort)]} "HDMI*" {set configLine [subst $configOptions(HDMI)] } "DVI*" {set configLine [subst $configOptions(DVI)]} default { set configLine ""} } return $configLine } proc setDisplayVars { device config } { variable configOptions switch -glob -- $device { "DisplayPort*" {set configOptions(DisplayPort) "--output \$line $config \$configOptions(DisplayPortXOptions)"} "HDMI*" {set configOptions(HDMI) "--output \$line $config \$configOptions(HDMIXOptions)" } "DVI*" {set configOptions(DVI) "--output \$line $config \$configOptions(DVIXOptions)"} } } proc setHDMIXOptions { newOptions } { variable configOptions set configOptions(HDMIXOptions) $newOptions } proc setDisplayPortXOptions { newOptions } { variable configOptions set configOptions(DisplayPortXOptions) $newOptions } proc setDVIXOptions { newOptions } { variable configOptions set configOptions(DVIXOptions) $newOptions } proc devices { } { variable devices return $devices } proc runCommand { } { variable devices exec xrandr {*}$devices } } mRandrConfig::readConfig mRandr::processConfig [mRandrConfig::devices] mRandr::setHDMIXOptions "--set underscan on --set \"underscan hborder\" 50 --set \"underscan vborder\" 30" mRandr::run_xRandr puts "xrandr [mRandr::devices]" mRandr::runCommand ======