The '''main script''' is the primary script that is executed by the interpreter, e.g. [tclsh] or [wish]. ** Description ** One common technique is to have a script run a self test if it detects that it is the main script. Naive approaches only compare `[info script]` with `$[argv0]`. A somewhat more robust approach that usually works with [pkg_mkIndex] looks only at the `[file tail]` of those two values. The most robust approach fully normalizes those two values, including the last component, which a simple `[file normalize]` does not resolve. The most complete approach: ====== if {[info exists argv0] && [ file dirname [file normalize [info script]/...]] eq [ file dirname [file normalize $argv0/...]]} { #do stuff } ====== ''[AMG]: I'm not sure I fully understand the purpose of the `/...` in this code. From the above description, I'm assuming it's a dummy component so that [[[file normalize]]] resolves all components of the true path.'' A common and fairly robust approach: ====== if {[info exists argv0] && [file tail [info script]] eq [file tail $argv0]} { #do stuff } ====== The negative approach, also quite common: ====== if {![info exists argv0] || [file tail [info script]] ne [file tail $argv0]} { return } # test/standalone code follows ====== The more simple and naive approach to detection method directly compares `[info script]` with `$[argv0]`: ====== if {[info exists argv0] && $argv0 eq [info script]} { #do stuff } ====== or, as formulated in a [comp.lang.tcl] posting by [DKF]: ====== if {[string equal $::argv0 [info script]] || [array exists ::embed_args]} { main } ====== ''[AMG]: Which posting would that be? What is `::embed_args`? It must be something specific to the script [DKF] was describing.'' ** authors ** [dkf]: [CJL]: ''[AMG]: I'm not sure who this is... is a full name available? According to [], it's not [Cameron Laird] whose middle initial is not J.'' [PYK]: [RS]: <>