Version 50 of math

Updated 2014-04-08 15:01:11 by pooryorick

math is a Tcllib module.




coefficient of variation of 3 or more arguments
Return the nth Fibonacci number
calculate the area under a curve defined by an argument of a list of 5 or more x,y data pairs
Return the maximum of two or more arguments
Return the arithmetic mean of two or more arguments
Return the minimum of two or more arguments
Return the product of two or more arguments
Return a random number, value chosen based on an argument selecting one of these ranges:
              (null)          choose a number between 0 and 1
              val             choose a number between 0 and val
              val1 val2       choose a number between val1 and val2
Handling of Roman Numerals.
population standard deviation value (from 3 or more arguments)
calculate mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation from 3 or more arguments.
calculate arithmetic sum of two or more arguments

If you pick tcllib up from its repository, you will be able to get access to even more functionality:

  • ::math::bigfloat::abs, acos, add, addInt2Float, asin, atan, ceil, ...
  • ::math::bignum::cmp, tostr, add, div, fromstr, max, min, mul, abs, iszero, setsign, ...
  • ::math::calculus::eulerStep, heunStep, rungeKuttaStep, ...
  • ::math::combinatorics Beta, factorialList, pascal, InitializeFactorial, InitializePascal, choose, ln_Gamma, factorial
  • ::math::complexnumbers::complex, +, -, *, / mod, pow, real, sin, sqrt, ...
  • ::math::constants::constants::pi e, ln10 onethird eps print-constants, find_huge, find_tiny
  • ::math::fourier::dft, ...
  • ::math::geometry::calculateDistanceToLine, findClosestPointOnLine, angle, areaPolygon, bbox, calculateDistanceToLine, ...
  • ::math::interpolate::interp-linear, neville, ...
  • ::math::linearalgebra::angle, ...
  • ::math::cov, expectDouble, expectInteger, fibonacci, integrate, max, mean, min, product, random, sigma, stats, sum, ...
  • ::math::optimize::minimum, maximum, min_bound_1d, ...
  • ::math::polynomials::polynomial, addPolyn, subPolyn, ...
  • ::math::rationalnumbers::rationalFunction, ratioCmd, evalRatio, ...
  • ::math::special::elliptic_K, ...
  • ::math::special::exponential_Ei, ...
  • ::math::special::Gamma, ...
  • ::math::special::I_n, J-1/2, J0, J1, J1/2, Jn ...
  • ::math::special::legendre, ...
  • ::math::statistics::BasicStats, histogram, corr, ...
  • ::math::statistics::filter, map, samplescount, ...
  • ::math::statistics::Inverse-cdf-exponential, cdf-normal, ...
  • ::math::statistics::pdf-normal, pdf-uniform, ...
  • ::math::statistics::plot-scale, plot-xydata, ...
  • ::math::statistics::random-exponential, random-normal, ...

TR 2010-09-20: I was missing the Kruskal-Wallis test in math::statistics, and since I needed this test, I went to implementing it. I have posted a corresponding feature request on sf: [L1 ]

FF 2007-06-11: I implemented some missing features of math::linearalgebra. (If they are going to be included in tcllib -I hope for that- you can delete this comment.)

LV 2007-06-11 To get code included in tcllib, visit and submit a feature request from the project page.

package require math::linearalgebra

namespace eval ::math::linearalgebra {
    namespace export joinMatrix cancelrow cancelcol
    namespace export cofactor cofactorMatrix
    namespace export adjointMatrix
    namespace export determinant invert rank
    namespace export mkRandom
    namespace export round

# joinMatrix --
#     Join two matrices along the specified dimension
# Arguments:
#     dim        Dimension to join [1,2]
#     mv1,mv2    Matrices to be treated
# Result:
#     Matrix result of the join
proc ::math::linearalgebra::joinMatrix {dim mv1 mv2} {
    set result $mv1
    switch -exact -- $dim {
        1 {
            foreach r $mv2 {lappend $result $r}
        2 {
            set l [llength $mv1]
            for {set i 0} {$i < $l} {incr i} {
                lset result $i [concat [lindex $mv1 $i] [lindex $mv2 $i]]
        default {
            return -code error "do we work on ${dim}D matrices?"
    return $result

# cancelrow --
#     Return a matrix minus the specified row
# Arguments:
#     matrix     Matrix to work on
#     row        to delete
# Result:
#     Matrix result of the operation
proc ::math::linearalgebra::cancelrow {matrix row} {
    return [concat [lrange $matrix 0 $row-1] [lrange $matrix $row+1 end]]

# cancelrow --
#     Return a matrix minus the specified column
# Arguments:
#     matrix     Matrix to work on
#     col        to delete
# Result:
#     Matrix result of the operation
proc ::math::linearalgebra::cancelcol {matrix col} {
    set result {}
    foreach r $matrix {
        lappend result [concat [lrange $r 0 $col-1] [lrange $r $col+1 end]]
    return $result

# cofactor --
#     Compute the cofactor of the specified element
# Arguments:
#     matrix     Matrix to work on
#     row        
#     col        
# Result:
#     The cofactor of element at a{row,col}
proc ::math::linearalgebra::cofactor {matrix row col} {
    set submatrix [cancelcol [cancelrow $matrix $row] $col]
    return [determinant $submatrix]

# cofactorMatrix --
#     Compute the cofactor of the specified matrix
# Arguments:
#     matrix     Matrix to work on
# Result:
#     The cofactor of specified matrix
proc ::math::linearalgebra::cofactorMatrix {matrix} {
    set result {}
    lassign [shape $matrix] rows cols
    for {set i 0} {$i < $rows} {incr i} {
        set newrow {}
        for {set j 0} {$j < $cols} {incr j} {
            lappend newrow [expr ((($i+$j)%2)==0?1:-1)*[cofactor $matrix $i $j]]
        lappend result $newrow
    return $result

# adjointMatrix --
#     The adjoint matrix is the transpose of the cofactor matrix
# Arguments:
#     matrix
# Result:
#     The adjoint matrix
proc ::math::linearalgebra::adjointMatrix matrix {
    return [transpose [cofactorMatrix $matrix]]

# determinant --
#     Compute the cofactor of the specified element
# Arguments:
#     matrix     Matrix to work on
#     row        
#     col        
# Result:
#     The cofactor of element at a{row,col}
proc ::math::linearalgebra::determinant matrix {
    set shape [shape $matrix]
    if {[lindex $shape 0] != [lindex $shape 1]} {
        return -code error "determinant only defined for a square matrix"

    switch -exact -- [join $shape x] {
        1x1 {
            return [lindex [lindex $matrix 0] 0]
        2x2 {
            lassign [getrow $matrix 0] a b
            lassign [getrow $matrix 1] c d
            return [expr {($a*$d)-($c*$b)}]
        default {
            set det 0
            set sign 0
            set row_no 0
            foreach row $matrix {
                set sign [expr {($sign==1)?(-1):(1)}]
                set det [expr {
                    $det+$sign*[lindex $row 0]*[cofactor $matrix $row_no 0]
                incr row_no
            return $det

# invert --
#     Perform the matrix inversion using the adjoint method
#     Note: probably the Gauss-Jordan elimination over an
#           augmented matrix is *much* faster.
# Arguments:
#     matrix     Matrix to work on
# Result:
#     The inverted matrix
proc ::math::linearalgebra::invert matrix {
    set shape [shape $matrix]

    set det [determinant $matrix]
    if {$det == 0} {
        return -code error "cannot invert a singular matrix"

    switch -exact -- [join $shape x] {
        2x2 {
           set temp [mkMatrix 2 2]
           setelem temp 0 0 [getelem $matrix 1 1]
           setelem temp 1 1 [getelem $matrix 0 0]
           setelem temp 0 1 [expr {-1*[getelem $matrix 0 1]}]
           setelem temp 1 0 [expr {-1*[getelem $matrix 1 0]}]
        default {
           set temp [adjointMatrix $matrix]

    return [scale_mat [expr 1./$det] $temp]

Useful for testing:

proc ::math::linearalgebra::mkRandom { rows {cols {}} args} {
    if {$cols eq {}} {set cols $rows}
    set min 0
    set max 1
    if {[llength $args] == 1} {
        set max $args
    } elseif {[llength $args] == 2} {
        lassign $args min max
    set result {}
    for {set i 0} {$i < $rows} {incr i} {
       set row {}
       for {set j 0} {$j < $cols} {incr j} {
           lappend row [expr {$min+$max*rand()}]
       lappend result $row
    return $result

proc ::math::linearalgebra::round matrix {
    set result {}
    foreach row $matrix {
        set newrow {}
        foreach el $row {
            lappend newrow [expr {round($el)}]
        lappend result $newrow
    return $result

Also I believe these should go in math::combinatorics:

proc ::math::combinations {n k} {
    set l {}
    for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {lappend l $i}
    return [lcombinations $l $k]

proc ::math::lcombinations {list size} {
    if {$size == 0} {return {{}}}
    set retval {}
    for {set i 0} {($i + $size) <= [llength $list]} {incr i} {
        set firstElement [lindex $list $i]
        set remainingElements [lrange $list [expr {$i+1}] end]
        foreach subset [lcombinations $remainingElements [expr {$size-1}]] {
            lappend retval [linsert $subset 0 $firstElement]
    return $retval

Here's a possible implementation of rank:

proc ::math::linearalgebra::rank {matrix {checkR {}}} {
    lassign [shape $matrix] rows cols
    if {$checkR eq {}} {set checkR [expr ($cols>$rows)?$rows:$cols]}
    if {$checkR == 1} {return 1}
    set col_idx [combinations $cols $checkR]
    set row_idx [combinations $rows $checkR]
    foreach coll $col_idx {
        foreach rowl $row_idx {
            set m {}
            for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $rowl]} {incr i} {
                set row {}
                for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $coll]} {incr j} {
                    lappend row [getelem $matrix [lindex $rowl $i] [lindex $coll $j]]
                lappend m $row
            set det [determinant $m]
            if {$det != 0} {return $checkR}
    return [rank $matrix [incr checkR -1]]

Lars H: That's horribly inefficient (exponential time), unfortunately. The normal way of computing the rank of a matrix is rather to do some kind of factorisation that reveals the rank (e.g. LU factorisation = Gauss elimination, QR factorisation, etc.). With the available facilities, I would suggest doing a SVD decomposition and count nonzero elements of the S vector.

See Also

Bernoulli using math::calculus
Performance and simplification of code - implementing the basic statistics procedure
matrix , by Jonas Beskow
vector , by Jonas Beskow
BLT vector
Additional math functions
the corresponding Wiki sandbox.

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