[Arjen Markus] (10 february 2017) MathemaTcl is the name I chose for a collection of mathematical libraries (mostly from Netlib) that can be accessed from Tcl. You can find the code here: [http://chiselapp.com/user/arjenmarkus/repository/mathemaTcl/index]. To build it (or parts of it) you need a C and possibly a Fortran compiler that can build extensions for your version of Tcl. More to follow, just a placeholder for the moment. ---- **Demo** ====== # demo_fftpack.tcl -- # Demonstration of the FFTPACK wrapper # # Note: the transform is not normalised, hence the factor "size" # package require tcl_fftpack set size 101 set transform [::fftpack::createTransform1D $size] set PI [expr {acos(-1.0)}] for {set i 0} {$i < $size} {incr i} { lappend values [expr {0.4+cos(2.0*$PI*$i/100.0)+sin(4.0*$PI*$i/100.0)}] } set oldvalues $values set transformed [$transform forward $values] puts "Transform:" for {set i 0} {$i < $size/2+1} {incr i} { puts [format "%12.4f %12.4f" [lindex $transformed $i 0] [lindex $transformed $i 1]] } set reconstructed [$transform backward $transformed] puts "Reconstructed and old values (unnormalised):" for {set i 0} {$i < $size} {incr i} { puts [format "%12.4f %12.4f" [lindex $reconstructed $i] [expr {$size*[lindex $oldvalues $i]}]] } ====== <>Mathematics