[George Peter Staplin]: Mar 21, 2005 - '''Megapkg''' is a bunch of packages/extensions that I've '''written in C''' for Tcl/Tk. It also contains 2 window managers named [Whim window manager], and [Panache] that use Tcl/Tk and the extensions. The [Whim window manager] was sponsored and patched by [Steve Redler IV], and we may announce it soon. http://www.xmission.com/~georgeps/implementation/software/megapkg The licensing is BSD-like. '''Megapkg''' has a radical source tree layout (by some standards). All *.c files are generated with [Fed Builder], so there are 3 files per function (csrc, plan, and C). There is only one file to compile ${Ext}_Init.c per extension. The ${Ext}_Init.c file for the particular extension #includes a header file. The header file defines structures, and #includes many C source files (usually). Some of the code currently is from my old packages that I want to revive, such as [TkXext], [Tk_Theme], bz2, and so on. So, you may wonder, what's the beef of the code, or how much code is it: $ cd csrc/ $ wc *.c *.h 6382 16809 143241 total But, as they say, it isn't about how much code you have, but rather what you do with it. See also; RS :) Plans for the future: * Shaped parent windows for Whim. * An XDBE extension. * A libtool work-alike for building the extensions, because gcc -shared may not be available everywhere. * A rewrite of Panache to use the [megapkg structure extension] rather than [Smalltick]. * A few widgets that will replace the [Smalltick] widgets. * A more advanced configuration system that may use [tickmake]. * More tests would be good. I want every code path to be tested before every release, so that no runtime faults occur. structure_test.tcl is close to this. ---- [Category Package]