When configured with '''--enable-symbols=mem''', Tcl includes a [[memory]] command that can be used to debug memory problems. The [[memory trace]] command dumps a record of all allocations and frees of memory. When searching for a memory leak, that's a haystack of data to search for the needle of the leak. The following script pulls out the useful information: proc ckalloc {addr size file line} { variable store variable i if {[llength [array names store *,$addr,*]]} { puts stderr "Double alloc at $addr: $size $file $line" } set store([incr i],$addr,$size) "$file $line" } proc ckfree {addr size file line} { variable store array unset store *,$addr,$size } set i 0 source [lindex $argv 0] foreach name [array names store] { foreach {i addr size} [split $name ,] {break} lappend out [list $i "LEAK: $addr $size $store($name)"] } puts [join [lsort -index 0 -integer $out] \n] ---- [AK] notes: * How can a double allocation for the same address happen ? It should not. Probably impossible, but I'd rather have the data tell me than assume. * Also, if it can happen, is the size of the struct not irrelevant for the collision ? Right now the script will not detect a collision on the same address with different sizes. Good point. Script modified. * ckfree should be extended to check if there is data for the adress available. Because if not then we have found a double-free. Problem with that is a ckfree of memory allocated before the [[memory trace on]] command runs is OK. Anyone willing to make the mods to deal with that is welcome to do so. [ak]: Should be possible: Just remember if there has been any allocation for this addr/size. If yes, then it is a double-free. Otherwise it can be a free where the alloc was not recorded. <>Debugging