I can not obtain what is described on menu documentation, please read below: As taken from Tk documentation of menu command ... Pulldown Menus in Menu Buttons This is the compatable way to do menu bars. You create one menubutton widget for each top-level menu, and typically you arrange a series of menubuttons in a row in a menubar window. You also create the top-level menus and any cascaded submenus, and tie them together with -menu options in menubuttons and cascade menu entries. The top-level menu must be a child of the menubutton, and each submenu must be a child of the menu that refers to it. Once you have done this, the default bindings will allow users to traverse and invoke the tree of menus via its menubutton; see the menubutton manual entry for details. ---- If I try to do what is explained before I don't get the expected behaviour when used on windows (Windows XP), specifically the one related to traverse menu using the keyboard default binding: ---- DEFAULT BINDINGS ... 8 The Left key moves to the next menu to the left. If the current menu is a cascaded submenu, then the submenu is unposted and the current menu entry becomes the cascade entry in the parent. If the current menu is a top-level menu posted from a menubutton, then the current menubutton is unposted and the next menubutton to the left is posted. Otherwise the key has no effect. The left-right order of menubuttons is determined by their stacking order: Tk assumes that the lowest menubutton (which by default is the first one created) is on the left. 9 The Right key moves to the next menu to the right. If the current entry is a cascade entry, then the submenu is posted and the current menu entry becomes the first entry in the submenu. Otherwise, if the current menu was posted from a menubutton, then the current menubutton is unposted and the next menubutton to the right is posted. if any one can provide an explanation of this, I will appreciate it. by the way, it works ok on linux!