This is a wrapper for the Windows [Midi] stream API. **News** * [jdc] 10-jul-2009. Source code and downloads now available at * [jdc] 20-mar-2008. Initial public release. **Man page** <> [comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [manpage_begin midistreamdll n 0.4] [copyright {2007-2008 Jos Decoster }] [moddesc {Wrapper for the Win32 Midi stream API}] [titledesc {Wrapper for the Win32 Midi stream API}] [require Tcl 8.5] [description] [para] This page describes the Tcl [package midistreamdll] package, a wrapper for the Win32 Midi stream API. Commands to query the available Midi devices, open a Midi stream device and send Midi data to it are discussed here. [para] The [package midistreamdll] package adds the namespace midistreamdll to the Tcl interpreter in which it is loaded. In this namespace, the main commands to work with midi stream are created: [list_begin definitions] [lst_item midistreamdll::devs] [lst_item midistreamdll::open] [lst_item midistreamdll::header] [list_end] [section midistreamdll::devs] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd midistreamdll::devs]] This command returns a list of names of the available Midi devices. [list_end] [section midistreamdll::open] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd midistreamdll::open] [arg deviceId]] This command will open the specified Midi stream device and returns a unique Midi stream device id. This id should be used to manipulate the Midi device later on. A Midi device is specified as an integer index in the list of Midi devices as obtained with the [cmd midistreamdll::devs] command. [call [arg midiStreamId] [method close]] Closes the Midi stream devices. [call [arg midiStreamId] [method out] [arg headerId]] Stream the specified Midi header, which must be created with the [cmd midistreamdll::header] command, to the Midi stream device. [call [arg midiStreamId] [method pause]] Pauses the Midi stream device. [call [arg midiStreamId] [method play]] Starts playback of the Midi stream device. [call [arg midiStreamId] [method position]] Returns the current position in the stream being sequenced as Midi ticks. [call [arg midiStreamId] [method set] [arg option] [arg value]] Set the specified option. Known options are: [list_begin opt] [opt_def -timediv integer] Set the number of ticks per beat. [opt_def "" ""] [list_end] [call [arg midiStreamId] [method short] [arg byte0] [opt [arg byte1]] [opt [arg byte2]]] Immediately plays a short event on the Midi device. [call [arg midiStreamId] [method stop]] Stops playback of the Midi stream device. [list_end] [section midistreamdll::header] [list_begin definitions] [call [cmd midistreamdll::header]] This commands creates a new Midi header, suitable for use with the Midi stream [cmd out] command and returns a unique header id. This id should be used to manipulate the Midi header later on. [call [arg headerId] [method add] [arg eventType] [arg deltaTime] [arg eventData]] Adds the specified event data to the Midi header with specified delta-time. Known event types are: [list_begin opt] [opt_def event "deltaTime byteList"] Adds event specified as a list of bytes to the Midi header. When an empty list is specified, a nop event is added. For 1 up to 3 bytes, the data is added as a short event. For more bytes, the data is added as a long event. [opt_def long "deltaTime byteList"] Adds event specified as a list of bytes to the Midi header. [opt_def nop deltaTime] Adds nop event to the Midi header. [opt_def short "deltaTime byte0 ?byte1 ?byte2??"] Adds one, two or three bytes to the Midi header as short event. [opt_def tempo "deltaTime tempo"] Adds tempo event to the Midi header. [opt_def "" ""] [list_end] [call [arg headerId] [method destroy]] Destroys the Midi header. [list_end] [keywords midi stream] [manpage_end] <> **Examples** ***Midi file sequencer*** In the examples directory in the zips, you'll find `seq.tcl`, a midi file sequencer. This example uses the [tclMIDI] package to read Midi files. ====== package require midi package require midistreamdll # Create a midi stream header, this header will be used to send event to the # sequencer. set h [midistreamdll::header] # Load the midi file specified on the command line set mf [midi::file] $mf read [lindex $argv 0] # Add events to header, skip SysEx and non-tempo Meta events set cnt 0 foreach te [$mf flatten -no_sys_ex 1 -include_meta {tempo}] { $h add event {*}$te incr cnt } puts "Streamed $cnt event" # Open a midi stream device set s [midistreamdll::open 0] # Set the ticks per beat if {[$mf cget -time_division_type] eq "ticks_per_beat"} { $s set timediv [$mf cget -ticks_per_beat] } # Send header to the device $s out $h # Sequence the events $s play # Wait until header is released by the sequencer while 1 { if {![catch {$h destroy}]} { break } puts "@ [$s position]" after 1000 } # Cleanup $s close $mf destroy exit ====== ***Drum machine*** In the examples directory in the zips, you'll find `drums.tcl`, a little drum machine. [WikiDbImage drums.png] [AMG]: The user interface looks a bit like the screenshot I have posted on [Possible Grid Enhancements], except that mine is all screwed up. :^) **Questions / remarks** * MiR 21. March 2008: Ok, actually the examples from the packages are missing, otherwise its working fine on my WinXP machine. Thx for the work, please post the drum and seq. sample.... [jdc] 21-mar-2008: The link was wrong, it's updated now. * [D. McC] 2008 Mar 29: Is there anything similar for unix?! [jdc] 31-mar-2008 On linux writing to /dev/midi should be possible. Check [] section 9.3 for an example. <> Category Music