'''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIME%|%Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions]''', or '''MIME''' is a standard format for [email] messages. ** Reference ** [http://www.qcode.co.uk/mime-multi-part-messages/index.html%|%Multi-Part MIME Messages], Daniel Clark, 2013-03-15: [http://phaseit.net/claird/comp.mail.mime/MIME.html%|%Cameron Laird's Personal Notes on MIME]: ** Tools ** [Tcllib mime%|%mime]: A component of [Tcllib] that creates and manipulates MIME parts. [http://www.oche.de/~akupries/soft/mail/mime.html%|%MIME], by [Marshall T. Rose]: served as the bases for [Tcllib%|%Tcllib's] [Tcllib MIME%|%MIME] package [Mime File Attachment Extractor]: ** Misc ** RFC822 items can be big, and correspondingly expensive to manipulate. tcllib's mime package parses any presented item completely. What if one only wants, say, the "Subject:" of the item, while needing performance? In principle, there ought to be a "lazy" evaluation that intelligently scans the few header lines necessary to determine this value. A comp.lang.tcl thread [[anyone have a reference here?] discusses this. One highlight is that [Don Libes]'s "[mail notification tools (i.e., biff)]" page on tkbiff points to code which directly models such a requirement. [AMG]: MIME is also the Militant Internet Mail Enthusiasts [http://waste.org/mime/]. This is apparently just a humorous page with technical resources for email such as links to (older) RFCs. <> Package | TclLib | Mail