Super-mini web server that I use as a demonstration for presentations. Not correct or complete, but it does serve files... It can also reload its own code if you hit it at the /reload url! ---- ====== proc Serve {chan addr port} { fconfigure $chan -translation auto -buffering line set line [gets $chan] set path [file join . [string trimleft [lindex $line 1] /]] if { $path == "." } {set path ./index.html} if { $path == "./reload" } { set reload 1 source [info script] puts $chan "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" puts $chan "Content-Type: text/html" puts $chan "" puts $chan "Server reloaded" } else { #puts "Request: $path" ;## if { [catch { set fl [open $path] } err] } { puts $chan "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found" } else { puts $chan "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" puts $chan "Content-Type: text/html" puts $chan "" puts $chan [read $fl] close $fl } } close $chan } #catch {console show} ;## if { ! [info exists reload] } { set sk [socket -server Serve 5151] vwait forever } else { unset reload } ====== ---- Point your browser to '''http://localhost:5151''' [HJG] Added "index.html" as default-url. [slebetman] Whoa! Smaller than the [DustMote] '''and''' has the extra feature of being able to re-source itself! Impressive. ''[escargo] 30 Nov 2006'' - Won't this break if the input line can't be indexed with [lindex]? [MG] guesses that it may need to be set line [split [gets $chan] " "] to make sure it's parsed properly as a list. [slebetman] The HTTP spec forbids list-unfriendly characters {[[}]] in URIs and neither the command nor the HTTP version number in the first line contain list-unfriendly characters. So the first line of a HTTP request (the only thing this code is processing) should in theory be completely parsable as a list. If it breaks then it isn't a valid HTTP request and we should ignore it. A simple [catch] wrapping the [lindex] should do the trick. ''[escargo] 1 Dec 2006'' - I was putting my paranoid hat on, thinking about what happens with deliberately (or accidentally) unfriendly characters. A denial-of-service attack that's easy to guard against seems like a good idea. ---- [AMG]: That reloading functionality is pretty cool. Here's how to add it to [Wibble]: [] **See also** * [castle] * [scwsd] * [DustMote] * [Wibble] * [Inspecting app state with a browser] * [Embedded TCL Web Server] - with SSL and Basic Auth <> Application | Internet | Webserver