2004-10-29 [VI] This is a 10 line replacement for the far-more-capable wget program. This only works for http and just gets a url and puts it in a file. To invoke - have an alias like this: alias wget '/usr/local/tcl/8.4.7/bin/tclsh8.4 ~/tcltools/wget.tcl \!*' And use it as wget http://mini.net/tcl/12871 Code for wget.tcl - only requires the tcl core: package require http set url [lindex $argv 0] set filename [file tail $url] set r [http::geturl $url -binary 1] set fo [open $filename w] fconfigure $fo -translation binary puts -nonewline $fo [http::data $r] close $fo ::http::cleanup $r puts "Got $url -> $filename" ---- [male] - 30th October 2004: If the file should be written in binary mode, then the data should be requested and transfered as binary too! I changed the code above to get the url in binary mode.