Version 3.4.2 has a minor bug: Files in the Custom directory aren't read. This is the default place to put your own files to modify [tclhttpd]. This will be fixed in Version 3.4.3. You can change the 3.4.2 version as follows: In httpdthread.tcl, change if {[string compare $f "pkgIndex.tcl"]} to if {[string compare $f "pkgIndex.tcl"] == 0} { This page should be deleted when V 3.4.3 is released. ---- While this works in terms of sourcing files in the custom directory when tclhttpd starts, I wasn't able to source them through the debugging URL (/debug/source?source=foo.tcl). I found that I could fix this by placing the following in httpthread.tcl: Doc_TemplateLibrary $Config(library) -[WJR] ----