Version 1 of mod_dtcl

Updated 2001-11-05 15:40:44

mod_dtcl is an implementation of server-parsed tcl for the Apache web server. It is fast, light, simple and easy to use. More information may be had at

From the Tcl chatroom on 2001-11-05:

Micailah: does anyone know if mod_dtcl works on windows 98 if not is there a tcl module for apache server for win98?

patthoyts: Sorry - I was elsewhere - I use mod_dtcl on win98 myself. There are some funny things to do to install it. One is to rename the file to ApacheModuleDtcl.dll and place it into the modules subdirectory of apache. Then add the following line to httpd.conf:

 LoadModule dtcl_module modules/ApacheModuleDtcl.dll 

near the modules section plus these lines near the other AddHandler lines:

 AddType application/x-httpd-tcl .ttml 
 AddType application/x-dtcl-tcl .dtcl 

patthoyts: To test put something like this in htdocs/test.dtcl

 <p>[array get tcl_platform]</p> 

and browse to it.