'''`namespace eval`''', a subcommand of `[namespace]`, evaluates a [script] in a given namespace. ** See Also ** `[namespace]`: `[eval]`: ** Synopsis ** : '''[namespace] eval''' ''namespace arg'' ?''arg ...''? ** Description ** ''arg''s are [concat]enated together with a space between each one in the same fashion as `[eval]`, and the result is evaluated in the namespace called ''namespace''. If the namespace does not already exist, it is created. If more than If ''namespace'' has leading namespace qualifiers and any leading namespaces do not exist, they are automatically created. For better performance, `namespace eval ...` is usually [bytecode%|%byte-compiled] when it is given one argument which is a literal string: ====== proc main { namespace eval [info cmdcount] { set msg {this script is eligible to be byte-compiled} return $msg } } ====== <> Command | Tcl syntax help