Below is a Java Server Page (JSP) that I wrote that can be used as a SQL Responder running in a Java Web Server such as Apache Tomcat. The JSP is expecting several input parameters: sqlquery, maxrows, querytype, etc. via a http post protocol. The servlet returns a tcl list to the calling process, usually a Tcl Interpreter. The technologies used in the servlet are JDBC and Jacl. I would not recommend using this serlvet over the internet because of security reasons. You could update the servlet to use SSL or https. If anyone has ideas on how to do update the servlet to make it more secure using https then feel free to update the code below. One nice thing about JSPs or Java Servlets are that they are multi-threaded by nature. This JSP engine should be able to handle many concurrent requests. Scott Nichols. <%@ page import="*" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <%@ page import="tcl.lang.*" %> <% String sSQLQuery = ""; String sError = ""; String sMessage = ""; Connection con; Statement stmt; int i=0; ResultSet rs; String sbgcolor = "#D3D3D3"; String sFontcolor = "White"; String sTable = ""; TclObject row; TclObject rows=null; Interp interp; interp = new Interp(); if (request.getParameter("sqlquery") != null) { // Read the SQL Query sSQLQuery = request.getParameter("sqlquery"); try { // Load the standard JDBC driver provided by SUN Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); try { // Read the connection string, username and password posted from the HTML form. if ((request.getParameter("connection") != null) && (request.getParameter("username") != null) && (request.getParameter("password") != null)) // Connect to the ODBC datasource. con = DriverManager.getConnection(request.getParameter("connection"),request.getParameter("username"),request.getParameter("password")); else con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Northwind","sa",""); // Create a connection statment. stmt = con.createStatement(); String queryType; if (request.getParameter("querytype") != null) queryType = request.getParameter("querytype"); else queryType = "select"; // Do we do a Select SQL Query or an Update, Delete or Insert SQL Query? if ( queryType.compareTo("select") == 0) { // Read how many SQL rows the user wants returned. if (request.getParameter("maxrows") != null) stmt.setMaxRows(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("maxrows"))); else stmt.setMaxRows(1000); // Submit the SQL Select Query rs = stmt.executeQuery(sSQLQuery); ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData(); // Parse the column headers from the result set (meta-data) and build the header // of the HTML table int iColumns = meta.getColumnCount(); rows = TclList.newInstance(); row = TclList.newInstance(); TclList.append(interp, row,TclString.newInstance("SUCCEEDED")); TclList.append(interp, rows,row); row = TclList.newInstance(); for (int colNumber=1; colNumber<=iColumns; colNumber++) { // sTable = sTable + "" + meta.getColumnLabel(colNumber) + "\n"; TclList.append(interp, row,TclString.newInstance(meta.getColumnLabel(colNumber))); } TclList.append(interp, rows,row); // Build the body of the HTML Table while ( { row = TclList.newInstance(); for (int colNumber=1; colNumber<=iColumns; colNumber++) { // sTable = sTable + "" + rs.getString(colNumber) + "\n"; TclList.append(interp, row,TclString.newInstance(rs.getString(colNumber))); } TclList.append(interp, rows,row); } // Close the result set rs.close(); } else { // Execute an UPDATE, DELETE, or Insert Query. i = stmt.executeUpdate(sSQLQuery); } // Close the open database connections. stmt.close(); con.close(); } catch (SQLException se) { System.out.println("SqlException:" + se.getMessage()); se.printStackTrace(System.out); sError = "SqlException:" + se.getMessage(); rows = TclList.newInstance(); TclList.append(interp, rows,TclString.newInstance("FAILED")); TclList.append(interp, rows,TclString.newInstance(se.getMessage())); } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("ClassNotFound:" + e.getMessage()); sError = "ClassNotFound:" + e.getMessage(); rows = TclList.newInstance(); TclList.append(interp, rows,TclString.newInstance("FAILED")); TclList.append(interp, rows,TclString.newInstance(e.getMessage())); } } %> <%=rows.toString()%> And here's some example Tcl code on how to call the JSP SQLServlet using http protocol. This example requires a ODBC DSN connection created on the server where the JSP is running. Scott Nichols package require http puts "--------------------------------Start http SQL Request--------------------------------------------------------------" # Format the JSP URL set postData [::http::formatQuery sqlquery "Select * from Orders" connection "jdbc:odbc:Northwind" username sa password "" querytype select maxrows 50] puts $postData set response [::http::geturl "http://Insert JSP URL" -query $postData] upvar #0 $response state puts $state(status) puts $state(body) if { [string match "ok" $state(status)] } { set status [lindex $state(body) 0] if { [string match "SUCCEEDED" $status] } { set rows [string trim $state(body)] if {[llength $rows] > 1} { set bFailed 0 set P_status succeeded set P_result $rows } else { # This is a nomatch condition set P_status failed lappend P_status nomatch } } else { set P_status failed lappend P_status [lindex $state(body) 1] } } else { set P_status failed } puts "--------------------------------End http SQL Request----------------------------------------------------------------" Please rename this page to SQLServlet. Thanks. [Category Jacl]