[http://purl.org/tcl/home/man/iwidgets3.0/notebook.n.html] is the doc for the [incr Widgets] notebook widget. See also [Notebook App]. ---- [BWidgets] has a notebook widget as well. [Michael McLennan] wrote one for the [BOOK Effective Tcl - Writing Better Programs in Tcl and Tk] - source code available at [http://sourceforge.net/projects/efftcl/]. Also [Donal Fellows] has written a notebook [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/tcl/mwidx.html]. [RS] used the BWidget "page manager" to create [a vertical-tab notebook], which conveniently can hold e.g. 26 single-letter tabs. ---- [Rohan Pall] Wow, this page is popular ;) So here's my two cents: I keep examples of each little Tcl/Tk component. This way I don't forget how to do something. Here is my BWidget NoteBook example. If I remember correctly, I think I learnt this from [Bryan Oakley] in a [comp.lang.tcl newsgroup] posting. [BWidget] is an excellent package. The code has been tested with BWidget 1.4.1 on * Windows98 the first release, not second edition * a custom version of Linux (means I don't remember what I did to it ;) package require BWidget set nb [NoteBook .nb -side top] $nb insert 0 foo -text "foo" $nb insert 1 bar -text "bar" set pane [$nb getframe foo] label $pane.hello -text "hello world" pack $pane.hello -fill both -expand 1 set pane [$nb getframe bar] button $pane.fizz -text testing pack $pane.fizz -fill both -expand true pack $nb -fill both -expand 1 $nb raise foo ---- [[ [Category Command] | Part of [incr Widgets] ]]