There is a variety of "notebook" [widget]s available for [Tcl/Tk]. The term "notebook" can mean many things, but in TCL world it particularly refer to a kind of widget. A notebook widget has a row of tabs, like a card index. When one of the tabs is clicked, it is "raised", and the page associated with the tab is displayed. This type of widget is very popular in GUI applications (e.g. the tabbed web browser Firefox). The notebook widget shipped with TK since 8.5 is [ttk::notebook]. Besides that, many other GUI packages also offer notebook widgets. Please read below for details. There is also a Personal Wiki application called Notebook: see [Notebook App]. ---- * The [IWidgets] command [tabnotebook] is typical: [] Docs can be found at and * The [IWidgets] command "notebook" is slightly different: [] See docs at and * [BWidget] has a NoteBook command - see below for a screenshot. v1.7 has bugs. * [RS] used the BWidget "page manager" to create [a vertical-tab notebook], which conveniently can hold e.g. 26 single-letter tabs. * [BLT] contains a notebook called tabset. Thanks to joheid for the pointer. * [Tix] has a tixNotebook widget: * [Michael McLennan] wrote a plain tcl/tk version for the [BOOK Effective Tcl - Writing Better Programs in Tcl and Tk] - source code available at []. * [Donal Fellows] has written a notebook []. Donal "'''strongly''' recommends using the Tile notebook ..." * Pure Tcl/Tk code notebook from [D. Richard Hipp] The source text is about 210 lines (not counting the 40 lines or so of code needed to implement the demo.) The widget will run on Tk4.1 or later. [[But it doesn't avail itself of namespaces?]] * [ClassyTk] has a NoteBook widget [] * [MegaWidget package], by [Jeff Hobbs] contains one. Jeff reports on the [MegaWidget package] page that this package is not yet 100% updated for changes in Tcl/Tk 8.4. * The [Tkcon] application, also by [Jeff Hobbs], uses a simple but effective notebook format for displaying multiple consoles. The notebook is not provided as standalone code: you will need to extract it from the Tkcon source yourself. * [obTcl] for Tcl 7.[[456]] has one * [rnotebook] has one in pure Tcl/Tk with with full resizability [] * [another tabbed notebook megawidget] * [Animated Vertical Tabs] A recent article on [comp.lang.tcl] gave a comparison by the author, who was looking for some specific features. Sure wish it was easier to reference Google group articles ----- [Rohan Pall] Wow, this page is popular ;) So here's my two cents: I keep examples of each little Tcl/Tk component. This way I don't forget how to do something. Here is my BWidgets NoteBook example. If I remember correctly, I think I learnt this from [Bryan Oakley] in a comp.lang.tcl newsgroup posting. [BWidget] is an excellent package. The code has been tested with BWidget 1.4.1 on * Windows98 the first release, not second edition * a custom version of Linux (means I don't remember what I did to it ;) ====== package require BWidget set nb [NoteBook .nb -side top] $nb insert 0 foo -text "foo" $nb insert 1 bar -text "bar" set pane [$nb getframe foo] label $pane.hello -text "hello world" pack $pane.hello -fill both -expand 1 set pane [$nb getframe bar] button $pane.fizz -text testing pack $pane.fizz -fill both -expand true pack $nb -fill both -expand 1 $nb raise foo ====== ---- [Michael Jacobson] Oct 8, 2002 ~ I was trying to get the [BWidget] NoteBook to work with a popup menu displayed on the active tab when you right clicked on the tab. I thought I would document how to do it below. [] ====== package require BWidget ## create a notebook with 2 text panes NoteBook .n .n insert 0 text1 -text Text1 .n insert 1 text2 -text Text2 foreach panel {text1 text2} { set pane [.n getframe $panel] text $pane.t pack $pane.t -fill both -expand 1 } pack .n .n raise text1 ## make a popup menu for the tabs (just add commands) menu .popup -tearoff 0 -activeborderwidth 0 .popup add command -label "mess 1" -command [list puts "in mess 1"] .popup add command -label "mess 2" -command [list puts "in mess 2"] .popup add separator .popup add command -label "mess n" -command [list puts "in mess n"] ## bind right mouse button to the popup menus .n bindtabs [list popup .popup %X %Y] proc popup {win X Y pane} { # check to see if current click is on the top tab if {[string equal [.n raise] $pane]} { tk_popup $win $X $Y } } ====== ---- The Tile notebook provides a '''<>''' [virtual event], to be followed typically by '''[[pathname index current]]''' to determine the specific tab selected. [HaO] 2015-06-30: One may also use the managed widget path '''[[pathname select]]''': ======tcl pack [::ttk::notebook .n] -fill both -expand true foreach tabs {Edit Check Close} { ::ttk::entry .n.[string tolower $tabs] .n add .n.[string tolower $tabs] -text $tabs } # bind after tabs are created to avoid calls in creation bind .n <> tabChanged proc tabChanged {} { if {[.n select] eq ".n.edit"} { # If edit page raised, always clear the entry widget .n.edit delete 0 end .n.edit selection clear } } ====== ---- Do any notebook implementations allow interaction with sub-elements of the tabs? For example the "Eclipse" IDE organizes its editing tabs with a grey X which turns red when the mouse moves over it, and on which you can click to kill that tab. Alternatively, Firefox has a red X on the far right hand side of the tab area, but separate from the tabs themselves. You can click on that to close the frontmost tab. (''[escargo] 29 Nov 2006'' - I believe this was true for Firefox up to version 1.5, but changed in version 2.0.) It appears as if the Tile notebook doesn't support either of these approaches. It also does not handle what happens when there is not enough room for all the tabs Firefox allows multiple rows or scrolling buttons (BLT tab widget allows dragging of the tabs with the middle button). Would it not be possible to change the style for individual tabs rather than for the notebook as a whole ? 2011/05/22 [Aud] – Actually, I think it might be possible to code something like this. If you modify the Notebook.Tab layout to include a 'close button' element, then you can modify the code binded to '''''' on the '''TNotebook''' class to detect a click on the close element with the help of '''%W identify %x %y'''. This wasn't immediately obvious to me, but when I went snooping around the binds for a few Ttk classes, I discovered a gem that made it click, (try '''info body ttk::scrollbar::Press''' in wish :). Of course, I haven't tested this yet, though I really hope it works. [Aud] So I was too curious to just leave it. Turns out it works. :) Here's an example: ====== set image [image create photo -format gif -data {R0lGODlhBwAHAIABAP8AAP/// yH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAAHAAcAAAIMBIKmsWrIXnLxuDMLADs=}] ttk::style element create close_button image $image -height 14 -width 14 -sticky e ttk::style layout TNotebook.Tab { -sticky nswe -children { Notebook.padding -expand 1 -sticky nswe -children {Notebook.label -expand 1 -sticky nesw -side left close_button -side right}}} ttk::notebook .test ttk::frame .test.frame_a ttk::frame .test.frame_b .test add .test.frame_a -text "Frame A" .test add .test.frame_b -text "Frame B" pack .test set script { if {[%W identify %x %y] == "close_button"} { puts "Hurrah! Close tab [%W index @%x,%y] plz." break } } bind TNotebook "$script\;[bind TNotebook ]" ====== ---- See also [A tiny notebook] ---- [LV] So, does anyone have an example of the [Tile] notebook widget? In particular, something that runs a command when the tab is selected. [ET] Here is small BWidget notebook program that was a response to a post on clt. It is an example where tabs have a close box right side image, a popup menu for the tabs (with close and move tab commands), and uses the mouse wheel to scroll between tabs (put the mouse pointer over any tab and use the wheel). The close1 image now has an alpha channel. It makes the area around the X transparent, so it shows the canvas color behind it (image built using gimp tool). This code needs BWidget 1.9.13 or later (circa 2018). Here's a screenshot:|%NoteBook%|% ====== package require Tk package require BWidget 1.9.13 ;# for right side images in tabs wm geom . 877x161+92+213 catch {console show ; console eval {wm geom . 69x24+15+6}} # normal and active, must be same size right side images #here's with an alpha channel - exported it as a .gif made it much smaller set close1 [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhFQAVAKUpAAICAg4ODhMTExcXFxwcHCAgICUlJSoqKi4uLi8vLzIyMjMzMzU1NTo6OkpK SktLS0xMTE1NTX19fYKCgoaGhoiIiIuLi5CQkJSUlJmZmaKioqenp6ysrLCwsLW1tbm5ub6+vsPD w8fHx8zMzNXV1dra2t7e3t/f3+Pj4/////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////yH+EUNyZWF0ZWQgd2l0aCBHSU1QACH5 BAEKAD8ALAAAAAAVABUAAAaAQITnRywaj0RT4iMYIp9EReP3CXSgyIKjCLJikwvIMRTgfKVPUWAD 1WJFArbRFP7+RAONEW3/jQR6P259RH8VDBGERh4ADIp7DgIZj4IPPyQDGIR0YkQkBBd9fEUloF+D R6UWT5xYJwQUSKNQKAQTRqhfKAW3rYooBhIJU5QoB0EAOw== }] set close2 [image create photo -data { iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABUAAAAVCAIAAAAmdTLBAAAABGdBTUEAAK/INwWK6QAAABl0RVh0 U29mdHdhcmUAQWRvYmUgSW1hZ2VSZWFkeXHJZTwAAAGmSURBVHjaYtDT09u6desPDg5S0b179/T1 9QECiGHnzp3CwsKkGvHy5UsjIyMrKyuAAGIAcoBG8PHxbdiwgUjNb968UVBQ8PLy+vHjB0AAMUCE 9u3bR6QRQGcbGxv7+Pi8f/8eyAUIIAa4xOHDh4FGrFmzhhhnw0UAAogBWfr48eNAI5YvX07Q2XBB gABiQFMENAIYnJhGoDkbjgACiAHTHqAR4uLiixYtwuNsOAIIIAasTj1z5gzQFRAjsDobjgACiAFX UEGM6OjoMDU19fX1RXM2HAEEECPIDBxg79q1QJ1Abx++fBmXGoAAwmn/ixcvgH4GOhvoipkzZ+JS BhBADHiiytvbG8i+evUqMDinTJmCVSVAADEQTGEQI2RkZCZMmICpGCCAGAimMAi6desWViMAAoiB YApDM6K7uxtZECCAGAimMGR0//59oBFtbW1wEYAAYiCYwtDQ48ePgUY0NTVBuAABxEDQ2ViNAKqH GAEQQIxAZ4eGhkpKSi5evJhTUpKBOPD69m0nJ6eIiAiAAGIElmHc3Nz7zp1jIBEAjXB3dwcIMAA7 8dZ08a6UVAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== }] proc main {} { global nb close1 close2 set ::Widget::_theme 1 ;# undocumented feature ??, will use ttk::frame for tab container frame set nb [NoteBook .nb -side top -bd 1 -font {{consolas bold italic} 13} -homogeneous 0 -arcradius 8 -bg grey85] catch {bind ${nb}.c [list wheel $nb %D] bind ${nb}.c [list wheel $nb 1] bind ${nb}.c [list wheel $nb -1] } ;# if this fails, well no mouse wheel support bind to .c canvas with tabs pack $nb -fill both -expand 1 foreach tab {notebook tiletable dragdrop2 ver extra1 extra2} { ;# generate 6 tabs, a text and 5 buttons $nb insert end $tab -text " $tab.tcl " -rimage $close1 -ractiveimage $close2 \ -rimagecmd [list close $nb] -activeforeground red -createcmd [list created $tab] -raisecmd [list raised $nb $tab] } set pane [$nb getframe notebook] ;# this one gets a text widget in the frame text $pane.hello -font {{comic sans MS} 20} $pane.hello insert end "hello notebook\nhere is some text" pack $pane.hello -fill both -side top -expand 1 foreach {tab fill} {tiletable both dragdrop2 y ver x extra1 none extra2 both} { ;# rest are just some buttons pack [ttk::button [$nb getframe $tab].foo -text "$tab-button" \ -command [list puts "$tab button pushed"]] -fill $fill -expand true } $nb raise notebook # make a popup menu for the tabs menu .popup -tearoff 0 -activeborderwidth 0 .popup add command -label "close tab" -command [list close $nb] .popup add separator .popup add command -label "move tab to front" -command [list moveit $nb 0] .popup add command -label "move tab to end" -command [list moveit $nb end] # bind right mouse button to the popup menus $nb bindtabs [list popup $nb .popup %X %Y] return } proc wheel {args} { lassign $args nb dir set cur [$nb raise] set index [$nb index $cur] if { $dir >= 0 } { if { [incr index -1] >= 0 } { $nb raise [$nb pages $index] $nb see [$nb raise] } } else { if { [incr index] < [llength [$nb pages]] } { $nb raise [$nb pages $index] $nb see [$nb raise] } } } proc created {args} { # puts "created args= |$args| " ;# first time (only) it's raised } proc raised {pathname args} { # global nb # puts "raised args= |$args| " if [catch { foreach page [$pathname pages] { if { [$pathname raise] eq $page } { # puts "page= |$page| active" $pathname itemconfigure $page -background white } else { # puts "page= |$page| " $pathname itemconfigure $page -background grey85 } } } err_code] { puts $err_code } } proc popup {pathname win X Y pane} { # also raise on right click $pathname raise $pane tk_popup $win $X $Y } proc close {pathname args} { $pathname delete [$pathname raise] ;# current pane $pathname raise [$pathname pages 0] ;# activate and see first one catch {$pathname see [$pathname pages 0]} ;# This will fail if no tabs left } proc moveit {pathname where args} { set pane [$pathname raise] ;# current pane $pathname move $pane $where $pathname see $pane } main ====== <> Example | Widget | Command